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16 votes
2 answers

How much dominance is normal in 2 cats at play?

I have 2 cats; one is young (8 months) and the other is 1.5 years old. During play, the older cat always takes the role of the chaser and the younger cat always runs away. I had read somewhere that ...
Dennis Graves's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Cats fight over who sleeps further up on the bed

I have 2 cats, who enjoy sleeping on the bed with my wife and me, but during the night we notice that they both start at the foot of the bed, and creep up, leapfrogging each other to be higher up and ...
Dennis Graves's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How can I tell if my cat is bullying her sister and what can I do to combat the problem?

I have two cats from the same litter that I adopted when they were around 12 weeks old. They are going to be a year old in two days, and as of recently I have been wondering if there's something wrong....
D. Tunus's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

My dog has been acting strangely around one of my cats' butt

Our family has a dog and four cats. The dog's name is Brutus, he's male, 6 years old and a Boston Terrier/Beagle mix. The cat relevant to this question is named Smudge; he's a male gray tabby cat, ...
JesseTG's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Older, larger cat introduced after tragedy...Not going well. HELP!

I have a four year old brother/sister. Izze & Bella. Ive had since kittens. Lovely, sweet indoor cats, they play, wrestle, small 8 lb cats. Izze was the perfect male cat, he was in love with me, ...
Theresa's user avatar
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Is kitten-rabbit "mating" behavior something to worry about?

We've got a 3 year old neutered male dwarf rabbit and a male kitten who is almost four months old. The kitten isn't neutered yet, but will be before he turns five months old. The cat and the rabbit ...
hairboat's user avatar
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If a cat tries claiming dominance over its mother, should I stop it?

I've seen my cats bite each other, and after some research, I found that it was the cat claiming dominance (letting the other cat know "I'm the Alpha"). What surprised me was that one of my cats (...
Dioxin's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Cat Suddenly Afraid of Dog

I have a four-year-old ragdoll cat and a one-year-old miniature schnauzer puppy (about half the cat's size). The cat has learned to tolerate the dog and only retreats to high ground if she is actively ...
Austin Mohr's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Cats are still skittish; have obsessive eating disorder

We adopted two little kittens at 5 weeks old. I think the lady we got them from was some sort of cat hoarder or she was capturing ferals from outside and rehoming them. Anyways, the kitties are two ...
Buffi D's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can I prevent my male Bengal cat from attacking my two other cats?

I have a neutered male Bengal cat who is nine months old, and two neutered female Bengals, both nearly four years old. The male keeps attacking the females, sometimes without a pause. We have tried ...
Raksha Harbhajanka's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

New cats: Female intimidating/bullying her brother

My Wife and I recently (two and a half weeks ago) adopted two cats, a brother and sister around 7 years old, from our local shelter. On the first day, the brother was more confident, but then became ...
Nick C's user avatar
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0 answers

How to stop neutered male cat from mounting the other one?

I have two neutered male cats that sometimes exhibit dominance behaviors. I've had them both for about 5 years, and they go between cuddling, ignoring each other, and trying to be dominant multiple ...
Kitkat's user avatar
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My 2 cats never faught each other. When we moved, fighting was common. How could I resolve this?

Could I condition them? I'm gone for 10 hours a day. There are toys laying around. I play with them once I'm home & through the rest of the day. Could I effecively condition them to not fight, in ...
Dioxin's user avatar
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1 Year old kitten doesn't like playing with 2 year old cat unless she is initiating it

I've had her for over 6 months and my 1 year old kitten refuses to engage in play when my 2 year old male cat tries to chase and play. She always bugs me to play and is clearly more attached to me, ...
Remi's user avatar
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