My pet ball python (I’d had him for about 3 months now) was fine last night. I got him from a reptile expo back in December from a breeder. I cleaned his cage with vinegar and water solution and put him back in his cage along with a branch from an evergreen tree I’d found that I thought he may want to climb on.
I remember having read back in December that those branches could be harmful, but I figured since there was no scent on it anymore, he would be fine. I woke up this morning and he was dead, and I have no idea why.
Humidity levels were fine, temperature was fine and he’d just eaten on Wednesday. He used to be uninterested in feeding until I fed him live for the first time last week. I’m so afraid that I killed him but I did so much research and he seemed so healthy last night.
I loved him very much so any advice on what may have happened would be greatly appreciated, thank you.