I am new to fish keeping as well as this website. I have just recently recieved a 10G tank with previously owned keepers, all of which came with its fair share of troubles. The tank came with a betta, two Mollys (which I have since then moved to a 15G tub),and 4 corydoras. Not only did the betta look super depressed and mainly stuck towards the bottom, but had virtually no color and hugged the sides of the glass where the plants are.
I removed the Mollys, changed the substrate to an active substrate, added a heater, and added several other plants such as red root floaters and Hornwort.
I now deal with the issue that my betta may be suffering from fin rot. Because of the amount of jagged rock and two large fish that were in there before (which he strangely never fought), I could see why his fins may be jagged but I am not 100% sure. He is very active now, eats well,shown some iridescence, as well as begun to create new bubbles. There is also a small part of his fins at the very bottom that are malformed and look very strange (looks as though part of his fin is attached to another part). Here's the best picture I've taken of him so far as you can see near the bottom, his tail does this weird thing where it looks malformed. I'm not sure if this what clamping is but it looks like it.
I would just like to know how to cure his sickly fins. My betta is acting PERFECTLY normal besides the fin rip/rot. Please help Leon]2
here is another picture, although not as clear u can see the jaggedness better