I have a new rescue cat who is slowly settling in - she's very timid, but getting braver every day. This question is about her eyes.
When she is falling asleep/already asleep and her eyes are half-closed, her pupils kind of roll back into her head. I know this is because of the third eyelid cats have, but I keep seeing online that it could be a sign of serious illness. I've only ever seen it when she's falling asleep, and when she is deeply asleep her eyes are closed all the way and I don't see anything. I've never seen it happen when she is awake.
I'm mostly worried because I saw that it could be a symptom of dehydration, and I immediately started wondering if she was getting enough water. I've never seen her drink, and I haven't been monitoring the water level in her bowl closely enough, I guess. She eats a small can of wet food in addition to dry food every day, and there's urine in her litter box every day. I can't really speak to lethargy or not, because she mostly spends her time hiding or sleeping.
I'd take her to the vet, but since she's been here less than a week I can't really get close to her yet, so the effort of catching her and putting her in the carrier would be fairly traumatizing. I will probably call the vet in the morning regardless, to be on the safe side.
Has anyone seen this before? Do I just have a cat with weird sleep habits, or is it something worse?