They both got along great for past 3 years, usually it's my jack russell that nips my staff, but I was dreading the day it happened the other way around, last night it did, my staff is 8 and has slowed down, she's had a very active life, and is due in season very soon, they both are, she's now getting old and grumpy and just doesn't want to be mithered, jack Russel is 6 and a happy go lucky scatterbrain:)
Last night we woke up the sound of our jack Russel screaming, they've been sleeping in the same large dog bed for the past 3 years, they're inseparable, they've had arguments in the past but usually they resolve their differences with the jack Russell yapping and maybe a quick nip but nothing to do any damage to my staff.
I'm concerned as jack Russell has a puncture wound under her jaw but doesn't seem to have gone into her mouth it took me around 45 mins to stem the bleeding from both wounds bathing them and flushing them with salt water, what can I do for her at home in terms of treatment, I don't think she needs stitches and has happily let me clean the wounds, she's understandably shaken up, her best buddy's just bit her, but she's eating, and drinking normally and going toilet fine. We've separated them for wounds to heal, treatment from a vets is virtually impossible as after moving home we're completely broke right now.
Can anyone give me advice please in terms of her head wound and does it need to be stitched or glued?