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Marijke's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • België
My cat is extremely picky in terms of food
@RebeccaRVT I really didn't know they did that, thanks for the tip :)
My cat is extremely picky in terms of food
No she didn't, she didn't think there was something wrong other than just being picky.
My cat is extremely picky in terms of food
We have one cat with kidney problems and he only gets 1 type of food because he needs it and if other cats would eat it, it would not be good for them. One of our other cats did manage to eat from it one time and the next days she didn't do anything else than drink and barf. But because he is the most dominant one, he steals away food from others when we don't watch and he really may not eat that food. So it makes it a little more complicated. But I can see how your method can work :) thanks for the tips :)
My cat is extremely picky in terms of food
Thanks for this elaborate answer. We have three cats with different diets so it is not possible to leave food out there so she can eat it when she sees that we will not give in. I will certainly try to put it in other bowls because we use indeed mainly plastic ones that we have for a very long time. I have told my mother to not give in, but she actually does give treats if she doesn't want to eat anything. I told her also not to do it but she is too afraid that she will loose too much weight. But then she learns of course that if she doesn't eat something, she will get other options...