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Domesticated canines commonly kept as pets. Please mention the breed / sex / age in your question if you feel it might assist in getting a more focused answer.

12 votes

Can I give my dog an ice cube from time to time?

I have never heard this before and can't find any reliable information to back it up, nor does it make any sense. I could find no vet on record as saying that it could cause a problem. Multiple si …
AJ Henderson's user avatar
7 votes

What does becoming a canine good citizen allow me to do with my dog?

It doesn't seem to have any real benefit unless you are a breeder or want to use your dog for special purposes. While many states have passed "resolutions" about it, this basically just means that th …
AJ Henderson's user avatar
7 votes

How to use a spray bottle as negative reinforcement?

My experience as a cat owner is that I get better results when my cat sees me spraying it, but it depends on what the problem is. The main reason we end up using a spray bottle is when we need the ca …
AJ Henderson's user avatar