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Questions tagged [snoring]

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12 votes
3 answers

How To Reduce Dog Snoring

We have a 10 months old, very active Boston Terrier. He exercises everyday at least 30 minutes and it's not a problem to get him to sleep at night. The only issue we are having with him is that he ...
elibud's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How common is it for cats to snore?

I've noticed lately that both of my adult, non-elderly cats tend to snore when sleeping. Usually they're sleeping on their sides or curled up when this happens. (I don't notice it in "meatloaf" ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

What can I do to help my rabbit breathe more easily?

When my lionhead rabbit tries to relax, even while he's eating, he begins to emit a wheezing sound and his whole body begins to rock. I've been told this is rabbit snoring and is normal. However, as ...
virtualxtc's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Can bunny rabbits snore?

My rabbit makes a squeaking sound when she sleeps. Is this normal? Can rabbits snore?
virtualxtc's user avatar
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