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6 votes
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Pustules in ears and eyes of an abandoned rabbit (appearance and dissapearance)

He/she recently appeared in the bush of a semi-rural place in Spain. It has been 15 days since my first encounter. He/she was very vivid and did not escape from people. 10 days later, I discovered ...
luw's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Does Revolution kill ticks?

We have been using Revolution on our house rabbits for years, and I always assumed it killed ticks as well. Recently, someone told me it is not effective against ticks. I know it effective against a ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to kill ticks on a Rabbit?

Having just learned that my rabbits flea treatment is not effective on most ticks I am wondering what options there are for killing and/or controlling ticks on my pet rabbit. I know there are several ...
James Jenkins's user avatar