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Questions tagged [play]

Play between pets and pets and their owners. Solutions to encourage healthy play time for pets, what is normal and how to curb destructive play habits.

5 questions from the last 365 days
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2 answers

How do I know when cats playing becomes actual fighting

I have two cats that, most of the time, get along just fine. However, I see them wrestling regularly (almost every day, and since I don't work from home it probably is every day) and this often seems ...
Anju Maaka's user avatar
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1 answer

Question About My Border Collie’s Play Behavior

My dog is a 6-year-old spayed female Border Collie. When she plays with other dogs, she tends to grab their neck fur and makes a soft growling sound, but she doesn’t actually bite them. This behavior ...
Shijia Song's user avatar
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1 answer

Kitten would play around more than eat?

A relative of mine found a kitten on the side of the road and is feeding it wet cat food for kitten, however, the kitty seems more interested in playing with the other kitties than eating. Even when ...
user9564371's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I get my cat's attention when they are in attack mode?

I have four cats and one of them is terrified of everything such as a slight noise will make him jump. I have another who is very playful and recently started really picking on the scared one. I ...
Anastasia's user avatar
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How to stop my kitten from playing (clawing/biting) with my hands and fee [duplicate]

Recently I let an orange cat, about 7-8 months old, in the house because its cold outside and one of her canines (I am assuming baby/milk teeths) was missing. But he is so full of energy, he is more ...
sal's user avatar
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