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Cat struggling to walk, but has no leg or spine issues

My cat recently began to struggle to walk. It looked like his back legs were hurting quite a bit and he would not walk to the food/water or the cat box. If I brought him there he would eat/drink a ...
Joshua Scott's user avatar
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My bunny is making a new noise I’ve never heard before and I was wondering if anyone has ever heard a similar noise from another bunny?

My 3-month old lionhead bunny has started making a new noise. She previously was ill with the snuffles, completed a course of antibiotic. She was never very ill with the snuffles just very sneezy and ...
Reena Siegel-Richman's user avatar
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Why is the hair on my dog's back getting much lighter?

I have a doberman and he has a number of issues. My parents refuse to take him to the vet but I think it's something serious. Here are the symptoms. Hair on his back has become much lighter. He has ...
K.Fletcher's user avatar
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Zoe, 19 months old cat, British Shorthair, refusing to eat due to digestive issues

Greetings to all members of the cats community, I am truly desperate for any help or guidance you’d be able to offer. 3 days ago my cat lost her interest in food and started vomiting and I took her to ...
Selda's user avatar
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