Linked Questions

11 votes
1 answer

Need advice to help a sick and, possibly, dying cow

I'm in a rural area in Kolkota right now and there is a 14 year old downer cow who is lying on her side. She is malnourished and looks like she might die. The local vet gave her a calcium injection ...
deepak's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Why do my pets eat at the same time I eat?

I recently noticed that my pets (indoor rabbit and a parakeet) almost always eat at the moment I start eating my breakfast or dinner. I was wondering, is there a reason for this?
Robin Trietsch's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Food Pellet - Is my rabbit eating enough?

I've recently gotten a bunny, less than a week, and I researched a lot before getting it. I bought a large cage, timothy hay, Zupreme rabbit food... As soon as I brought him from the shelter, I filled ...
Jéssica Dutra's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What reasons could there be for my rabbit not defecating?

My 6 year old female outdoor rabbit is free to roam for up to 8 hours a day in our large garden, but has stopped eating the grass and hay. At one point she stopped eating altogether, and the vet said ...
Sharon Burns's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How can I take care of a bunny?

So here is the deal: my dad purchased a baby bunny (or at least I think so, because it is really small) for my sister. But considering my previous experience, I know I will end up taking care of it. ...
Antonio Reynaga's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Obstipation + toxic antibiotic intake!

My bunny has constipation for last couple days, last night I noticed she has a wobbly tooth too (I easily pulled it out-root was necrotic with a little pus inside) so in panic and fear of formation of ...
Mimi's user avatar
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2 votes
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Should I always take everyone to the vet?

As a rule we all (pets and parents) go to the vet together. Everyone lives together and shares the same resources, so if one is sick, it seems reasonable to get everyone checked out. If it's annual ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Rabbit has mucous like poo [duplicate]

my seven year old rabbit recently stopped eating as much as usual (he picks a little but not huge amounts). I thought it might be a cold of some sort because he has a runny nose. He has lost some ...
user10625's user avatar
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