Linked Questions

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rabbit birth. Feels like babys [duplicate]

My rabbit still feels and looks like she is pregnant, she had 7 babies and it is the 4 day after birth. Could she still have a baby in her ? I repalpated her and i can feel 1 full size baby and a ball
user7577's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

How fast do rabbits really breed?

Someone recently mentioned "breeding like rabbits". So my question is how fast do rabbits breed? If I accidentally bring home a pregnant female rabbit, or a male and female pair from the local fair, ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Can bonded rabbits die of loneliness?

When rabbits are bonded they form a very strong relationship. When that bond is broken through physical separation or death of one the partner I have heard that they can die from loneliness. The ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Can I put 2 different batches of baby rabbits together

I have 2 does and one buck, both does are pregnant and I want to put them together with their kits. I have 1 huge cage because I want to put the baby rabbits in there with their moms. Will that be ...
Ray Spooner's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why are my Baby bunnies Dying?

I adopted two male rabbits from a friend of mine. (Her children were over them). I have had them all winter (In Wyoming) and they have been great. 3 weeks ago I found a baby bunny in the bottom of the ...
Mommykallgren 's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Do rabbits experience menopause?

I got a question third hand, (friend > wife > me) and a quick search leaves me wondering where to look for the answer. The friend has an 11 year old female rabbit that has not been spayed. She wants ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Unsuccessful rabbit mating [closed]

One of my does pulled fur and built some sort of nest. Its been 13 days but no litter yet. What is the reason for this? Another doe isn't always willing to lift her tail. She has bred before but I ...
Waqas's user avatar
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Can rabbits make babies when separated by a single wire cage wall?

I have heard several people say that their female rabbit got pregnant while physically separated from the buck by a wire cage. I have heard it from multiple people, over a span of years. In all cases ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What can I do about this injury of my rabbit?

Our Rex rabbit has recently become pregnant and had a miscarriage. She still keeps plucking fur on the back of her neck like she is still making a nest. She has plucked her fur so much she caused a ...
DanSchneiderNA's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Wanting to breed my rabbit once and then get them fixed, but is it possibly to then later slowly intergrate them all back together?

I have 2 female and 2 male rabbits and I want to breed them. The thing is, I only want to breed them one time and then get them all fixed, but I'm scared that if I wait and breed them afterwards, I ...
Courtney's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to socialize unneutered female and male rabbit, before or after neutering?

Situation: We own an unneutered female rabbit, since one week she is alone because her partner died. The search for a new partner is difficult, because we want an adult neutered rabbit-man for her, ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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What size of hutch would be right for two mini lops? [duplicate]

Warning, I am completely new to owning rabbits! Have had guinea pigs/hamsters in the past but no rabbits. I am interested in buying two mini lop rabbits and have a large garden but a small budget. ...
Anonymous's user avatar