The short answer to this is no,this do never happen in cats,male cats and dogs has a very different sexual behaviour,male cats will aggressively seek out the female cat in heat.
I have never seen a male cat finding a replacement mate(object) in the same way as male dogs do when they ride your leg or rub against objects.
Male cats gets exited from the feromones that the females excrete,this is picked up by the vomeronasal organ, Jacobson's organ.
But this does not mean the mating instincts in cats are weaker it only means that a cats brain functions different from many other animals.
None of the feline speicies show the behaviour you describe in your question.
But as you know cats will hunt moving objects and do the bunny kicks but they will not try to mate with them.
You can read more about cats sexual behaviour here:
female cats
male cats