My little betta passed away after a long struggle of being sick, getting better, being sick. He finally developed a fungal infection that I couldn't kick and he passed away. In the immediate moments of despair that followed, I emptied the tank, vowing to never own fish again because that little dude stressed me out, but now I want another one because fish are just wonderful little pets.
I'm not 100% what type of fungal infection he died of, he had cottony growths appear suddenly on his final day alive, but I'm wondering how long I should cycle the tank before reintroducing another fish. Here are my questions, in no particular order:
- How much I should scrub things that were in the tank?
- Should I replace the black sand substrate, or should I leave some of the natural bacteria from the tank?
- I have 2 moss balls, 1 zebra plant, and 1 madagascar lace plant - would they have a possibility of retaining fungus? How do you clean live plants?
- I already threw the existing filters away, and my filter motor has some algae growth in the tubing that I can't clean out - should that concern me, or is some algae okay?
- Should I upgrade to a 10 gallon? This last tank had ridiculous algae growth that I couldn't control, something I did not experience with the first betta I owned. I tried a snail, but my betta killed it, so I'm hesitant to try that again. I think a 10 gallon could help this?