Title tells it all - my cat found some dried daffodil flowers in my flat and I couldn’t catch him before he managed to ingest one (it’s not the type of daffodil with huge flowers but rather small ones, so it wasn’t a huge amount). Upon googling I’ve found it is indeed toxic, but I’d guess this amount won’t cause any problems (also maybe the fact that it wasn’t fresh also matters), but you can never be sure with poisonous stuff.
So, should I rush to the vet or it’s probably fine?
Update: since the ingestion (about an hour ago) he already vomited. But just before the daffodils he ate some dry pasta that he found on the floor as well, and I suspect it was those pasta pieces that made him vomit, not the daffodils (he did vomit badly chewed dry food in previous occasions). However I found the daffodil pieces in the vomit too. Not too much, but definitely some amount. I’m getting worried :/