We have a 9 year old female cat that has been hitting, spitting and being very verbal towards our 4 (almost 5) year-old Male cat. Both have been neutered, so they can’t breed.
We have had Willow since he was old enough to leave his Mum.
Tinkerbell (our female cat) took a few days to accept him, but then mothered him (Tinkerbell hasn’t had kittens) and told him off if he was being to naughty.
I can’t figure out what’s causing her to be like this for the past few weeks. I don’t know what to do to help. Willow can just be walking past her and she will go for him! He could even be fast asleep and she will hiss, spit and hit him!
It’s starting to affect Willow. He’s always been a jumpy cat, scared of his own shadow. Now, though, he’s even more jumpy and has been licking and pulling his fur out.
To take Tinkerbell to the vets is very stressful for her (to the point that she starts foaming at the mouth).
She has mothered him for 4 years, it did take her a while to get use to him, but once she did they where fine. If he’s been naughty she will tell him off. Now, though, she is always hissing and hitting him. He does wind her up sometimes by trying to jump out on her, but they have played that game since he was a kitten, as he’s younger than her and bigger she sometimes gets peed off with him and will tell him.
Can anyone advise me on what’s going on and how to help stop this?