Everyday in morning I go to one place and on way I meet many dogs I mean street dogs not pets.i generally take 4 biscuit packets with me. I give 1 packet to my own home bucket where my own street dogs eat.then i give another 2 packets to next street dogs but they always bark at me.sometimes i feel that if you go on street in morning early at 4:00 AM then obviously dogs would be sleeping at that time and will bark.but I go everyday.and i feel that at least they should know me.
Why they bark at me even though I give them food?
When I reach that place i give rest of the packets to that place stret dogs. Now these dogs always recognise me and play with me like my street home dogs and never bark at me.
Any specific reason why next street dogs do not recognise me?how can I make them friendly to me so in morning they do not bark at me?