My cat had kittens who are now 6 months old. We re-homed all but three, and all three are still nursing even though they eat solid food and they catch mice, moles, rabbits and eat them too. I had someone come out and take a look at my cat and he told me that the kittens are taking all her nutrients and will end up killing her if I don't do something soon. I don't want my cat to die and I do what I can to stop them from feeding on her, but I just don't know what to do.
It seems like anything I do doesn't help or stop them. I have tried separating them and punishing them with a water bottle. I make them stop when I can. I have tried to re home them, but no one wants them right now. We have no animal shelter where I am, and I refuse to call animal control because they will just put them down, so what do I do? They are extremely active kittens. They eat A LOT and I hold and pet them and they sleep on me all the time, so I don't understand why they are still nursing.