I got my cat about 2 years ago, rescued from the PETA equivalent (SPA in France). He was around 3 at that time, based on his teeth length.
He was quickly adapted to the apartment and the litterbox. He was very clean from the very beginning, and very nice to everyone, not shy, he seems very happy.
Once after a 1 week holiday, we left him at home with a catsitter feeding him and emptying the litter box every other day.
Back from said holiday, he started to poop once in a while 50cm away from the litter box. He always pees inside the box.
We tried to clean it extra, added a second one, and after a few weeks/months he stopped. All was good for a year or so.
A few weeks ago he started again. I'm not sure if it's related to the holidays. I'm not even sure it was really linked to the holidays the first time.
He's castrated, healthy, not overweight or anything. He's very happy, hugs us all the time, follows us where we are, purrs on our legs when we get back home.
We had a daughter early April. Maybe that's the cause.
This weekend I heard him scratch the litterbox cover (from inside), so I knew he had some business to do. I overlooked him at a distance (5-10 meters). When I heard him scratch the ground I knew he just pooped outside. So I closed the doors, caught him, held him while putting the poop inside the litterbox, pet him and put him inside the litterbox explaining that's where he has to do it.
Yet the next day he pooped outside again.
Now I really don't understand what's wrong. We clean the box every 10 days or so, throwing away the litter (Catsan litter) and cleaning the box with bleach. We remove the poop every day so that the box only contains litter (and urine).
What can we do to have him poop inside?
2015/09/10: update
OK, so when we cleaned the litterboxes yesterday, we rotated them and swapped them. That's about the most we can do for now (we'll move to a big house in a year or so).
This morning everything was inside! We can just hope for the best now.
Thanks all for your input.
Here's a pic of him looking a what he did. BTW his name if Fripouille, which could be translated in English as Rascal, or Scallywag. :)
2015/09/11: update
Well. Once again outside. The litterbox was empty (only clean litter) and rather clean (cleaned 2 days ago). I heard him scratch the floor at 4am, trying to bury the poop under the parquet...
2015/09/13: update
Once inside (13th), once outside (12th). Can't tell why he did either. Couldn't identify the trigger.
2015/09/17: update
Always inside since last update. I've leveled the litter surface after removing the poop, maybe he likes that. Either that or the break in its routine.
2016/12/28: update
We moved to a house with a garden and open streets (with no traffic). The cat freely goes outside, sometimes spends a whole day or night (or 48h) on his own outside. Goes back the next day. Everything is perfect, didn't change the litter box for 6 months!