Stop trying to force your cat to go to bed.
Cats sleep a lot more thenthan us humans do. According to wikipediaWikipedia up to 20 hours a day. And they sleep differently as well in that they are prey animals in the wild and will sleep lightly. And you cannot tell you cat when to sleep. Or where to sleep. They have mind of their own.
Same with food and toilet needs, they do their own thing. They need to do their own thing, as they are not herd animals.
This leads to: let your cat sleep when it wants, not when you want it. And keep in mind that she will need to use the cat litter and would like to drink a bit and eat a little mid night snack as well. So if you want your cat to sleep in the same room as you, make sure she has access to the things she needs: cat litter, water & food.