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StephenS's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • KLUK
31 votes

Dad accidentally sat on my cat

30 votes

Should cats eat "huge" animals?

21 votes

Is it a responsible action to adopt a starving kitten when I live in a very small place?

17 votes

Can two cats live in one room?

17 votes

Is it a good idea to get anti rabies vaccines or booster shots regularly for myself as well as my pets?

13 votes

Why does my cat come to me when I'm sitting on the toilet?

11 votes

How to avoid accidental cat-napping?

11 votes

How can we encourage our kitten to come up to us, if we're unable to get down on the floor with her?

10 votes

What's the purpose of tying a thread or dental floss on either side of a kitten's umbilical cord?

10 votes

My kitten doesn't pee - should I worry?

8 votes

How often do you feed your cats?

8 votes

Should I do something about my cat getting very dirty?

6 votes

Sudden stop of wet food diet is causing my cat to vomit

6 votes

New cat absolutely wants to get out of safe room, but doesn't get along with resident yet

6 votes

What can I do now that my cat is terrified of me after I broke up a fight involving her and two other pets?

6 votes

Mouse problem, how can I attract a cat to the area?

5 votes

Adopted a 7 month old cat a day ago, today she is hissing and yowling in the safe room

5 votes

When choosing a cat, how to determine temperament and personality and decide on a good fit?

5 votes

My kittens are terrified of my dog after we got the dog groomed

5 votes

Should I make my cat taste his food?

5 votes

Cat urinates where litter box was while litter box is being cleaned

4 votes

Is there an explanation for my senior cat's changed behavior?

4 votes

Is introducing a ragdoll kitten to resident ragdoll cat in a new house different from other breeds

4 votes

How can I reduce sound-related stress for my cat?

4 votes

Completely outdoor cat from scratch?

4 votes

New kitten (3 months old) was very affectionate at first, now ignores me

4 votes

Aggressive cat bites out of no where, even though he's usually affectionate

4 votes

Cat got badly scared and is now unpredictably jumpy around me

4 votes

My female cat hisses and pins down my kitten before licking her and cuddling her?

4 votes

My nervous cat has become a bit frightened of me