Hi, I'm "El".
I am a single parent of an only child, so... maybe I can help answer some questions about being a single parent. The pros and cons. The joys and (not so) joyous occasions.
Professionally, I focused on what I called "Internet Programming". I am self-taught; combining HTML/XHTML, CGI/PERL, CSS, SSI, PHP and other languages to create dynamic websites and custom online software. Although I am "retired", it's difficult to ignore ideas, so I still "play" with projects...
I enjoy most things. My favorites include: cross-stitching, reading (i.e.; research & learning), films (movies/tv), individual sports (cycling, jogging, watersports ++), and spending time with my dog, "Bug" (who I am quite fond of).
Take any advice with a grain of salt. Realistically, there is no way anyone would know "all the details" of your situation, but, hopefully the advice and anecdotes will help you.