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user10625's user avatar
user10625's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
3 votes

How do I tell the sex of a bearded dragon?

3 votes

What factors should I use to decide when its time to euthanize my elderly cat with kidney disease?

2 votes

Will hedgehogs break and eat hen's eggs?

2 votes

Do I really need 2 rats?

2 votes

Why are my dogs getting progressively more scared of the nail grinder?

1 vote

Goldfishes died first night

1 vote

What makes a treat only suitable for a certain age range?

1 vote

My friend is allergic to only some of my cats; why is that (and how do I mitigate for future cats)?

1 vote

Can cats safely eat raw meat?

0 votes

Whether and how to minimise physical activity of female dog immediately following desexing operation?

0 votes

Which fishes can live together with neons?

0 votes

how do i know if my cage is to small (syrian)

0 votes

My cat seems to dislike the idea of a morning walk. Should I continue?

0 votes

Should I euthanize my fish or wait it out?

0 votes

Strange dark scabbing near cat's nose

0 votes

Getting a cat to take zonisamide

-1 votes

What is the least painful way to kill a shrimp

-1 votes

What's a suitable way to drive with a big dog in the car?

-1 votes

What's the best way to heal a scab on top of my dog's head?