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7 votes

Can I own a Galapagos Giant Tortoise?

They are on the CITES appendix I list. This means that the trade is heavily regulated and export is prohibited. All in all, nope. Not going to happen, unless you are a zoo. You should also consider ...
JAD's user avatar
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4 votes

How to deal with suspicions of neighbours abusing animals

If you think an animal is mistreated you have to alert the RSPCA and the police, they might not act at once but one needs to keep telling them about it and try to help the animals until they do. If ...
trond hansen's user avatar
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3 votes

Can I own a Galapagos Giant Tortoise?

No. If you like the galapagos tortoise so much, you'll leave it where it belongs, seeing as it's an endangered species. Furthermore, as according to Wikipedia:
Kai's user avatar
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How can I clean the shell of my tortoise?

I have extremely sensitive skin and so I find that using just a tiny bit of my gentle everyday use face wash works to rid him of his smell. I only do this about once every two months. I don't ...
Mia's user avatar
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How can I clean the shell of my tortoise?

My tortoise, Beef, loves being scrubbed with a toothbrush on the back of shell, only with dawn soap. We only use the original type (blue/original), but I use a damp cotton ball to wipe off dirt from ...
breann's user avatar
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Why does my tortoise make a peeping or whistling sound while breathing?

I have recently obtained a red footed tortoise that whistles with every breath. I am confident my enclosure and environment is suitable for the tortoise and the Tortoise received proper care before I ...
George Dalglish's user avatar
3 votes

Is my pet tortoise's size normal for his age?

Reptiles in general don't grow the same way mammals do. Every single one of them will grow at different rates depending on how much they eat, what they eat and their environment. If he grows slowly it ...
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
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2 votes

How to deal with suspicions of neighbours abusing animals

If I were in your shoes, I'd visit her as a neighbour and say like ''Hey what cute dogs'' and ask her if they go out if not I'd ask to walk them myself. That's until the cops or the RSPCA comes to ...
toothless199's user avatar
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Turtle: How do you feed mealworms?

How often should they be fed? This always depends on each individual turtle (different metabolisms/environment), growing turtles should be fed daily, adults can eat a meal once every other day. It is ...
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
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When do Star tortoise lay eggs This is a pretty good site for your tortoise needs, has all the info. :) "Incubation in captivity, the average is around 90-120 days depending on the ...
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
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How Important is Natural Sunlight to Tortoises?

Natural sunlight is the best source for reptiles to obtain D3 however for indoor tortoises you can use artificial uv lighting. Mercury vapour bulbs are ideal as they pump out a ton of uvb and can be ...
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
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2 votes

How to identify a turtle/tortoise experienced vet?

We've been in a similar situation when we had 2 Axolotls and now the same applies for our African giant snail. While we didn't find any specialist in our city, we found some in a larger nearby city. ...
Tim's user avatar
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Wheezing/whistling symptoms in a tortoise

It would be difficult to diagnose over the Internet without hearing the sound in person. But yes, a tortoise making consistent whistling, wheezing or hissing sounds while breathing could suggest its ...
lila's user avatar
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is it a bad idea to let my tortoise explore my room while supervised?

If he's out for a short period of time (a few hours max), you shouldn't worry about the temperature/humidity. As for the cats, I personally have never had one but it may be likely that it can't be ...
tmac24utm's user avatar
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Will tortoises get along with gerbils if out of their cages at the same time?

Gerbils are usually not aggressive and don't tend to bite without a reason like being stressed or attacked. I assume you have a terrestrial tortoise and these are typically herbivorous, thus not ...
lila's user avatar
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Do Hermann's tortoises enjoy mushrooms, are they healthy for them?

that mushrooms are not natural food for Hermann's tortoises As far as I'm aware they aren't - their diet naturally consists of leafy-greens (lettuce, clover etc) and some vegetables (cauliflower, ...
motosubatsu's user avatar
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Indian Tortoise all puffy

You need an adequate heat or UV light for the tortoise's vivarium. Improper set up can lead to indigestion of food. Too much humidity is not good and an unsafe environment can also lead them to not ...
wilkvolk's user avatar
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Can a hamster and a tortoise/land turtle coexist peacefully?

No way! I have a very bad childhood memory of when I left two small turtles with two hamsters in their cage. The next morning I woke up and saw the turtles on their back; when I flipped them over, I ...
N.S.'s user avatar
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