Best way to adjust fish tank water chemistry
Firstly, I'll go for my old refrain "consistency is key". It's better to have consistent water parameters than changing them continually to 'chase the perfect conditions'.
Firstly, your nitrite ...
Will neon tetras eat ghost shrimp babies?
Neon tetras will indeed eat baby shrimp. So they can be used for population control.
But keep in mind that you do have to try to keep some of the babies alive. Otherwise you might end up without any ...
How many ghost shrimp can I put in a 20g tank with 7 neon tetras?
I don't have any experience with ghost shrimp, but I do have cherry shrimps. And it seems like they are pretty much alike in behaviour, size, care taking, ...
Shrimp are a lot different than fish, ...
How many ghost shrimp can I put in a 20g tank with 7 neon tetras?
Since the shrimp multiply fast (because they lay hundreds of eggs, of which many do survive to adulthood) I'd start with a small number, maybe 5 males and 5 females. And later, you may have to do ...
How can I stop my black skirt tetras from fighting?
The answer is pretty simple: buy more tetras.
Tetras like to live in shoal. I would say something around 12 for your tank size.
They will get more calm with more fish because they will lose ...
White Skirt Tetra
The answer from Karl is surely a good one. But I think there might be another reason too. White skirt tetra are a school fish. The recommendation is to keep minimum 5 together. If you really bought "a ...
White Skirt Tetra
Corydoras need good hiding places (Sterba 1990). The fact that the Cory is swimming fast might indicate that they're missing/not sufficient. Increasing hiding places by adding fast growing plants ...
3 tetras and a betta
This tetra is not feeling good. Likely because it doesn't have a group to school with. I'm assuming your tetras are neon tetras, but it's the same with some other tetras like cardinals.
Neon tetras ...
Transferring my tetras and rasboras to a bigger tank
The way to do this is to setup your new tank, you do not need to move the old gravel, but you need to move some of the decor or filter media to your new tank; this is to seed your new tank with ...
3 tetras and a betta
I read the answer comments to your post before writing this, I understand the first answer has a link but what you must understand is that 10 tetras is a lot for a tank of your size. 3 is too small so ...
How many ghost shrimp can I put in a 20g tank with 7 neon tetras?
IF it's only going to be the fish and the shrimp and some decorations I would say keep the count around 5-10. The only issue I see is if you get more you're going to have to have stuff for them to ...
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