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4 votes

Does medicating an entire tank harm healthy fish?

As you've already pointed out, the best course of action is to quarantine the fish. If you really can't do this then you'll need to tread carefully with medicines if you have any invertebrates (snails,...
Henders's user avatar
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4 votes

Is my guppy healthy? Its colour is weird

I assume you mean the weird color of the torso of the guppy. It looks so weird because it's actually transparent and you can see the organs and the spine inside the body. Here's an example of 2 ...
Elmy's user avatar
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4 votes

Female guppies are fine, but male is sick

High concentration of nitrite ions (1 mg/L of NO2-) is the most concerning thing in the list of your water parameters; it is many times above the toxicity threshold, because nitrites may start to ...
lila's user avatar
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3 votes

How many betta fish can I have?

You can have as may as you want, but not in the same aquarium. Two (or more) male betta's in one aquarium will surely find each other and fight to death. Just consider this: a male betta is always ...
virolino's user avatar
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Guppy male harassing females

Guppy males harass females quite aggressively, and it is therefore recommended that you have multiple females per male. Males will also flaunt each other and harass each other. Males exhibit this ...
Krupip's user avatar
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Is this normal for a pregnant guppy, is it a sign she is going to give birth soon?

This is normal; you probably feed flake food and this does often have multiple colors. This is a trick the producer uses to make you buy it - however, it is not different content in the flake food - ...
trond hansen's user avatar
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Does dosing a tank for sicknesses cause harm if I can't diagnose the illness?

By changing the gravel you have removed an overly large portion of the bacteria. Stop feeding and angle the water outlet from your pump/filter upwards to get more movement of water in the surface (to ...
trond hansen's user avatar
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3 votes

Will my fish's tailfin grow back?

Fish generally have good regeneartion capabilities, but the regeneration success for your guppy it's hard to predict because they depend on the kind (piranha can regenerate small parts of their fins ...
Kalle Richter's user avatar
3 votes

Guppies and turtles together?

You can try guppies but chances are your turtles will eat them, however if you add enough plants for them to hide in they may survive. Another easy way is to just scoop out the larvae with a small ...
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
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Why is my guppy being aggressive and not giving birth?

So, although your male has passed, female guppies can actually HOLD sperm for up to 6 months, when they do Hold it for fertilization the typical amount of time held doesn't usually last more than 3 ...
Christy B.'s user avatar
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2 votes

Is my guppy pregnant? How could I tell whether a guppy is pregnant?

Here you can see 4 signs of guppies during pregnancy until birth (source). The gravid spot does not need to be completely black, in lighter colored fish it could also be a kind of gray. Fish in ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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Are my two female guppys pregnant

The gestation period for a Guppy fish is between 21-30 days, with the average often being 22-26 days. Warmer fish tanks appear to help pregnant guppies from exceeding their due date: Gestation may ...
Timmy Jim's user avatar
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Will a couple of guppy males be happy in my fish tank?

Given the size of your tank, if you provide plenty of cover, they'll be more inclined to avoid your barbs nipping their tails. There is definitely the possibility of them harrasing the Platy's due to ...
Jarl Axle's user avatar
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Guppy died then disappeared?

There isn't a nice or kind answer, unfortunately, but his body is somewhere. It's entirely possible that you missed his body while combing through substrate and that you might find the remains again ...
rlb.usa's user avatar
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Guppy died then disappeared?

Normal for aquariums with typical scavengers like Plecostomus, snails, and many other fish. I have a heavily planted 40 gal with some old (5 yr+) giant danios ; occasionally one disappears and the ...
blacksmith37's user avatar
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Guppy male harassing females

This is normal for guppies; the males will chase the females, the only way to stop this is to remove the male guppy or be sure you have at least 3-4 females for every male guppy in your tank. To be ...
trond hansen's user avatar
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2 votes

Baby guppies 'appear' when rearranging tanks

Guppy`s can (and will) get pregnant at the age of about 7-9 weeks old this means they will give birth to their first babies in week 10-12. Guppy babies will hide as soon as they are born and they can ...
trond hansen's user avatar
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1 vote

How many betta fish can I have?

Only one male betta fish per tank! And I do not recommend putting bettas with guppies as they may nip each other's fins or get aggressive. As for female bettas, sometimes they are fine together, but ...
kaori_fish's user avatar
1 vote

I don't know what's wrong with my guppy

Hmm, having poor control over buoyancy sounds like it could be Swim Bladder Disease. Some fish really are shy but guppies are generally not shy, so if this fish wasn't shy before, it could be hiding ...
rlb.usa's user avatar
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Guppy died then disappeared?

Your water parameters will have everything to do with it. Your guppy was a few yrs old not an old age pensioner. When was the last time you did a water change? Fish tend to go and hide somewhere to ...
Andy's user avatar
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Is my guppy pregnant if so how long has she been and how long has she got left of the pregnancy?

yes your guppy is pregnant,judging from the first picture it is less than a week before it gives birth. a guppy is pregnant for five weeks. they are pregnant all the time. what you see is the dark ...
trond hansen's user avatar
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1 vote

Guppies and turtles together?

A lot of guppies swim in the aquarium of my turtle (yellow bellied slider). The turtle is assumed to be 10 years old and does not catch them actively. Young turtles of this kind hunt and eat fish, ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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Guppies and turtles together?

Turtles eat fish. They do not have any specific fish they don't eat. Even if the fish is too big the turtle will slowly eat the fish a little bit at a time, for example by biting fins, eyes, etc. You ...
user8592's user avatar
1 vote

My guppy & betta fish ignore cucumber

I know the question is how to get your fish to eat cucumber but have you yet tried peas? Peas when fed correctly, have pea protein (Bettas will eat), and can help prevent and cure bloat. Try taking a ...
Christy B.'s user avatar
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