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How to sex a Bristlenose Catfish

It's pretty tough to sex a very young Bristlenose catfish They were right in the shop, the ability to determine the gender of these catfish gets easier with age. During their earlier months, both ...
Henders's user avatar
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How do I tell the sex of a bearded dragon?

Just a note, try not to hold the tail like that, they are a lizard and so can perform autotomy and deglove or 'drop' their tale as a defence mechanism and it will not grow back as it used to be, it ...
user10625's user avatar
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How can I tell the gender of a dog?

In order to tell the gender, you need access to the dog, and see its private parts. Girls have them right under the tail, boys have them on the belly, in a protruding "pouch". You cannot miss it, in ...
virolino's user avatar
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Betta fish: girl or boy?

Based on those pics I think you won't get a definite answer here. But just from the looks of you betta I would actually say it is male: It's still pretty colourful It's making nests The fins are not ...
Diether's user avatar
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German blue rams behaviour and sexing

German blue rams are generally known to be one of the most peaceful cichlids and are relatively calm, but they could still infight. I've seen a few "fights" between two males and they weren't really ...
lila's user avatar
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Mollies and Gender

I think this images makes it very clear on how to determine better what gender your fish is: Looking at your pictures I can see the first one as a male and the other two dalmatians as female. If you ...
Omar Saadoun's user avatar
1 vote

Was I sold all male guppies?

By looking at the anal fin, I can estimate that you are right. Unless you "transgenderize" them, they will not make many babies. However, some of the pictures are quite blurry, and I cannot ...
virolino's user avatar
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Another New Turtle

It's entirely normal for a turtle to float in water. They can adjust their buoyancy too. However, if your turtle is floating, but with its limbs and head hanging down, you should be concerned. As for ...
Alexandrang's user avatar
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Help in determining whether I have a male or female kitten

I think your cat is male A female kitten's genitals will resemble an upside-down exclamation point, with the vertical vaginal slit sitting just below the anus and with very little spacing in between ...
Ven's user avatar
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Betta fish: girl or boy?

She looks like a female to me. Although I’m not an expert, she has a shorter, stubbier body, shorter fins, and female bettas can blow bubble nests too. If you want to be sure, could you attach a ...
Brynn d's user avatar
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At what age does a male kitten mature physically?

11 weeks old you should be able to feel testicles, unless he's a cryptorchid (testicles retained in abdomen) or a female :). Feel free to post a picture of his/her genitals.
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
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How can I identify the gender of my giant gourami?

after 3 years old, we can sexually identify our giant gourami by checking their lower lip, bottom of pectoral fin etc. male have thicker lower lip and golden colour on the bottom of pectoral fin. ...
ibin kandavanam's user avatar

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