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9 votes

One discus fish bullying the other discus

I have to strongly suggest taking these fish back to the store. I've kept discus for many years and bred discus in the past for roughly a decade. I can say with almost complete certainty that these ...
Jestep's user avatar
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7 votes

Can I put newborn platies with neon tetras?

Neon tetras will attempt to eat these. I've kept neon tetras with shrimp and they would often pursue the baby shrimp. Luckily for the shrimp, they're pretty fast and hard to see so the fish would ...
Henders's user avatar
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6 votes

Can snails and betta fish cohabitate?

This article has several good suggestions for potential betta tankmates. It also mentions: Please remember that the ideas below are suggestions. Your betta may get along just fine with all of these ...
Bruce Kirkpatrick's user avatar
5 votes

Do betta fish attack snails?

I've gone through two snails with my betta over the last few years. I've never seen the betta care about the snail's presence. I would think the snail probably died of natural causes. I don't think ...
PudgeBlossom's user avatar
4 votes

Mixing African cichlids with goldfish

Goldfish are in the carp family and are coldwater fish, they thrive in temperatures from 15 - 25 °C. Goldfish handle water temperatures above 25 °C poorly, so they are not a good ...
trond hansen's user avatar
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Does medicating an entire tank harm healthy fish?

As you've already pointed out, the best course of action is to quarantine the fish. If you really can't do this then you'll need to tread carefully with medicines if you have any invertebrates (snails,...
Henders's user avatar
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Feeding mashed green peas to discus

I've found peas to be extremely beneficial in relieving constipation in my aquarium fish. They have a laxative effect and help to prevent blockages which could form as a result of feeding only flakes ...
Henders's user avatar
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Help with Fishless Cycling with Live Plants

Just leave it for a month or so. More than likely you will get some decaying material from the plants which will naturally kick-start the cycle. If you put food in there at all, it will absolutely ...
Jestep's user avatar
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4 votes

How do you breed Daphnia to feed to aquarium fish?

You don't really have to do anything special, especially considering Daphnia aren't really anything exotic (you can find them in many ponds etc.) depending on where you live. A very minimalistic ...
Mario's user avatar
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4 votes

What fish can I put with my Betta?

There are a 2 main reasons why a betta can become aggressive to other fish: Visual apperance In general, a betta will only be aggressive to other fish if he thinks they are 'competition'. This can ...
Diether's user avatar
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Red Cherry Shrimp tank mates

I've got a very similar setup as you have: 180 litre tank 11 Panda corries 17 Cardinal Tetras 4 big platy & some little ones (2 Platy Hawii, 2 'mixed') Cherry shrimp I chose the platy's because ...
Diether's user avatar
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Can I keep crayfish and guppy fish together in a tank?

There are many different types of aquarium crayfish, that have different levels of activity, aggression, size, and feeding habits, as well as different individual personalities, so its hard to say ...
selene's user avatar
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4 votes

Growing a baby betta with other fish in the tank

Individual bettas are unique, so you should keep an eye on him on the first days anyway. You never know. Typically, a baby will not be aggressive, I have seen many very small bettas kept in community ...
Manuki's user avatar
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How to feed a Pleco in a community tank?

I had a similar situation before, and added a simple "shelter" to tuck the Pleco food under. Most fish, and I suspect bettas as well, won't bother swimming under a low structure on the ...
jros's user avatar
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3 votes

Pretty, bright, unusual and active fish acquisition advice for kids

First of all: Nice that you want to get your daughter some fish and even more awesome that you're not going the cheap route of grabbing some bland (and in the end unhealthy) gold fish glass or betta ...
Mario's user avatar
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3 votes

Mollies with Bettas?

Betta can be housed with various other fish but in your case, you're short on space. 20L (5 gal) is about what is recommended for only a betta. Various sources seem to place the min tank requirement ...
Rémi's user avatar
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White dots appearing on the drift wood surface

So most driftwoods are boiled down or treated at some point to be safe for all types of aquariums and terrariums. When dried out and then placed back into water, marine or fresh a fungus can grow, ...
Christy B.'s user avatar
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3 votes

Is my betta aggressive? Can she share a tank with other bettas or mollys?

Bettas are semi-aggressive fish which means that they are temperamental towards certain kinds of fish. Bettas shouldn't be housed with other male betta's since they will fight until one of them is ...
Brooke Taylor's user avatar
3 votes

Is my tank overstocked with Goldfish?

Probably overstocked. This article keeps to 1 inch of fish per gallon. That sounds about the advice I tend to hear while I live (1cm of fish per litre). But as the article says, there a many a thing ...
Flummox uses's user avatar
3 votes

New guppy disappeared from tank overnight

Your fish was probably eaten. As others have mentioned in the comments, your fish was probably eaten. As soon as a fish dies in your tank, chances are you'll have other fish pecking at it immediately ...
Henders's user avatar
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Will my bristlenose pleco eat aquarium plants?

No, they won't eat plants. And generally, nothing will eat Anubias, the leaves are too thick; there are some exceptions, though. Bristlenose plecos will eat some film algae but not actual plants. ...
Jestep's user avatar
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3 votes

Can I keep crayfish and guppy fish together in a tank?

As others have said, crayfish would be an inappropriate fish to keep with your current selection. As an alternative to crayfish you might want to look at giant fan shrimp (Atya gabonensis). They look ...
Henders's user avatar
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My molly is nipping at one of the cherry barbs in my tank. What should I do? The barb is losing colour

Look for a fish breeding box as a temporary solution. You can get a small plastic container with holes in that will sit in the tank and give one fish his own private space without requiring a second ...
Pam's user avatar
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3 votes

How many betta fish can I have?

You can have as may as you want, but not in the same aquarium. Two (or more) male betta's in one aquarium will surely find each other and fight to death. Just consider this: a male betta is always ...
virolino's user avatar
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2 votes

Mixing African cichlids with goldfish

I would have no way to know if your heater was the problem as you asked because you never told us the temperature of the tank. My tank is at 24 - 27 °C (75 - 80 °F) it ...
jason's user avatar
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2 votes

Aquaponics: lobsters, clams, oysters and tilapia all in the same tank?

Producing these for food is not something to "stumble" upon. About the easiest thing on your list is tilapia, and you are probably not aware that all tilapia in the USA and Canada food markets are ...
blacksmith37's user avatar
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2 votes

Which shrimp will co-exist with my loaches and schooling fish?

I made the mistake of keeping Kouli Loaches in a 55 gal heavily planted tank with Amano shrimp. I added several shrimp 3 times and they would just disappear. I thought they were just finding good ...
Brett Sampson's user avatar
2 votes

White Skirt Tetra

The answer from Karl is surely a good one. But I think there might be another reason too. White skirt tetra are a school fish. The recommendation is to keep minimum 5 together. If you really bought "a ...
Rémi's user avatar
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2 votes

White Skirt Tetra

Corydoras need good hiding places (Sterba 1990). The fact that the Cory is swimming fast might indicate that they're missing/not sufficient. Increasing hiding places by adding fast growing plants ...
Kalle Richter's user avatar
2 votes

My fish are slowly sinking in the tank and then they die ....pls help

There are 2 big & lethal problems you have: You tank hasn't been cycled As mentioned before, your tank needs to 'cycle' before you can add any fish to it. During this period, the chemical ...
Diether's user avatar
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