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19 votes

What can be done to stop roosters from crowing all day and night?

Roosters are very territorial animals. They crow to mark their territory and warn other roosters off or establish their order of rank if there are several roosters in the flock. The easiest solution ...
Elmy's user avatar
  • 34k
9 votes

What can be done to stop roosters from crowing all day and night?

Roosters crow, and there is no practical and humane way to silence them. You said "urban" so you live in a city or town. Many cities and towns have become more chicken-friendly in recent ...
MTA's user avatar
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9 votes

Will a single chicken ruin my lawn?

Chickens always scratch the ground while foraging for seeds, which damages the grass. If you mow the grass too short, it will be very vulnerable and the chickens may finish it off. However, if you let ...
Elmy's user avatar
  • 34k
8 votes

Fragile, bumpy chicken eggs

I couldn't diagnose the cause of this problem itself, but I would offer some insight. I don't think it would be possible to reliably diagnose this over the Internet, without physical examination ...
lila's user avatar
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7 votes

My dog tries to eat my chickens and fights with my cat

You need to be aware that German Shepherd dogs are working animals. They are bred to herd animals, protect farms from intruders and help police officers and soldiers with their duties. These are no ...
Elmy's user avatar
  • 34k
6 votes

Hens and no rooster: what happens to hens and their unfertilized eggs?

Each hen is unique (just like people) Each hen has a number or volume of eggs that will make her start sitting. It could be anything from 1 to a dozen. Hens cannot count, there is one and more then ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
5 votes

Reverse a debeaked hen?

A chicken's beak will grow back over time. Presumably, the beak was trimmed by someone who knew what they were doing. Any attempts on your part to correct by trimming the lower part are likely to ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
5 votes

Chickens in the rain

My Mum had chickens as she was a child by her parents. She told me a lot of times that she could see how the weather will be because of the chickens. If the weather will be rainy chickens have a ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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4 votes

Fragile, bumpy chicken eggs

I also have a chicken as a pet, but she is an Easter egg chicken. For a while, her eggs were similar to yours in the picture, so I moved her playground cage to a grassier place with more bugs/worms ...
Rebecca Bibye's user avatar
3 votes

How much should chickens be fed?

Without question; Water should be available 24/7 there are a number of ways to accomplish this. Depending on the solution, you will need to clean the water bowl/supply daily to weekly. Personally I ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
3 votes

Can I use this sand as bedding for chicks?

Ok, so I should update this. I searched around a bit and figured that the only valid concern was that the chicks might eat too much of the bedding and get impacted crops. However there were also ...
Abc's user avatar
  • 81
3 votes

My baby chickens are screaming and not eating normal food

Chickens are browsers, the like to walk around trying different foods. Normally they would follow mom for a few weeks and learn from her. But even without mom around they will just try different ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
2 votes

Do guinea fowl chicken crosses lay eggs?

I can't say for certain as there doesn't seem to be enough research surrounding them but I do believe they would lay eggs. Eggs from a "fertile" hen are all considered sterile until fertalised by a ...
SimplyRedAppaloosa's user avatar
2 votes

Do guinea fowl chicken crosses lay eggs?

I do not know anything about chicken. But a little about biology. It all depends on why the cross breeds are sterile. In most cases the cross breed has reproduction organs but the cells could not ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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2 votes

My dog tries to eat my chickens and fights with my cat

You should always be aware that bringing a new pet home means work. And it will be more work if you already have other pets. You need to introduce your cat and your dog to accept each other, you can ...
SerenaT's user avatar
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2 votes

What problems does inbreeding in chickens cause?

When you get the chickens get them from different breeders so they are not related and maybe get different types of chickens (nicer to look at some variation in colors and behaviour) and it is easier ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.7k
2 votes

Chickens in the rain

Chickens have more sense than most people realize. They seem to enjoy a light to moderate rain (and the worms and bugs that come to surface when it rains), and they know enough to find cover when it ...
Tom Gaskill's user avatar
2 votes

Food for one month old backyard chickens

It would not hurt to feed chicken rice nor soaked bread in moderation, but neither of these provides sufficient nutritional value by itself and chicken diet should not be composed solely of them ...
lila's user avatar
  • 210
2 votes

Will a single chicken ruin my lawn?

They will destroy your yard, at least a little bit anyways to get to food! Even if you have a bowl of food for them, they will still stratch at the earth and get living things. According to ...
Joseph Casey's user avatar
2 votes

Rooster acts differently from hens when directly fed

I cannot give you a definite answer, but I observed a similar thing with our neighbor's chickens. We often throw a certain kind of garden weeds (which they love) over the fence for them and the hens ...
Elmy's user avatar
  • 34k
1 vote

Why is this chicken getting sores on here face?

Your other chickens has done this,injuries around the head/neck and tail are almost always caused by other chckens. injuries at the belly or chest can be caused by rats,chickens(and may other birds ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.7k
1 vote

What do I need to do to make a former chicken run a child-safe part of my garden?

Here is some brainstorming: Use generous amounts of hydrogen peroxide. After it finishes its disinfection job, it transforms into water. Ideally, you should find higher concentration H2O2 - the ...
virolino's user avatar
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1 vote

What can I use to crush peas

If you have a friend who happens to be a geologist or for whatever reason has some equipment, you could try crushing them in their jaw rock crusher, maybe pre-mixed with small sized, dense, sharp ...
lila's user avatar
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1 vote

What can I use to crush peas

From my chickens, I know that chickens themselves can gulp down pretty big things, but maybe not on the order of peas. If you're worried about the chickens getting hurt from trying to eat the peas and ...
Ethan Slota's user avatar

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