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18 votes

How can I help my betta, who has a white-ish sore on his side, is laying at the bottom of the tank, and isn't eating?

It is most important that a betta fish have the right environment. If the environment is right, it's easier to treat any illnesses the fish may develop. Your fish needs at least 5 gallons (19 L) (...
Gwendolyn's user avatar
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7 votes

Want to know solution of betta fish problem

You and your fish are a victim of the pet shop's lack of knowledge about fish and fish keeping. Most likely your fish has ammonia poisoning as a result of not having cycled the tank properly. To cycle ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.6k
6 votes

Help increase Betta Fish lifespan beyond 1.5 Weeks

Fish are a complicated thing so I will go over specifics for betta fish. Aquarium should be 5 gallons minimum. Filter should contain activated carbon (absorbs contaminants), biomax (helps beneficial ...
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
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6 votes

Can snails and betta fish cohabitate?

This article has several good suggestions for potential betta tankmates. It also mentions: Please remember that the ideas below are suggestions. Your betta may get along just fine with all of these ...
Bruce Kirkpatrick's user avatar
5 votes

Do betta fish attack snails?

I've gone through two snails with my betta over the last few years. I've never seen the betta care about the snail's presence. I would think the snail probably died of natural causes. I don't think ...
PudgeBlossom's user avatar
5 votes

Can I break a betta food feeder in half?

You can break these up but remember that if it's one you apply to the glass, you'll need enough surface area for it to stick. I've done this before with the smaller tropical tabs for shrimp and as ...
Henders's user avatar
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New betta problems - I was unaware of cycling before new tank

1. Get a water test and update your question with the readings of pH-ammonia-nitrite-nitrate. 2. Stop feeding your fish to get the bioload down. 3. Keep changing water 20% each day (use dechlorinator ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.6k
5 votes

Need help with snails in a betta tank

In my experience kuhli loach is not effective in any way at removing snails from a fish tank, no matter the number of loaches you have they will not remove the snails (even if you stop feeding the ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.6k
4 votes

What fish can I put with my Betta?

There are a 2 main reasons why a betta can become aggressive to other fish: Visual apperance In general, a betta will only be aggressive to other fish if he thinks they are 'competition'. This can ...
Diether's user avatar
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Help increase Betta Fish lifespan beyond 1.5 Weeks

The red flag for me was "conditioner". I have had fish for 70 years and never needed, or used conditioner. I have seen fish quickly die at an auction when conditioner was added. A gallon is good for ...
blacksmith37's user avatar
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4 votes

Betta is not active and laying on the bottom after tank dropped to 19C

Consistency is key. You are quite right that a large peak or trough in temperature can have adverse affects on the fish and is sometimes known as temperature shock. You want to do everything you can ...
Henders's user avatar
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Betta fish fin tear or rot?

Answer: It's not easy to say In my experience it's difficult to conclusively say whether fin rot is involved or not. It is, of course, possible that your fish ripped its fin on something in the tank ...
Henders's user avatar
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Almond leaves vs banana leaves in an aquarium?

There doesn't appear to be much of a difference There seems to be a few reasons you'd want these leaves in your aquarium: Lower the pH of your aquarium water Releasing tannins into your water to get ...
Henders's user avatar
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How much water do betta fish need?

You shouldn't keep a betta in anything under about 20 litres. The shops will often tell you that 5 litres is enough but it's really not. You'll want to have at least 20 litres for a few reasons. ...
Henders's user avatar
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I think my Betta has dropsy but I'm not sure?

I know this is a few months old but I did want to chime in on a few things :) Dropsy can look like a very bloated stomach, it is not always pine-cone'd scales which are commonly referred to as ...
HeathenFatalis's user avatar
4 votes

Moving with pets: boxer, kitten and betta fish (1330 mile trip)

Good luck on that trip! If you are sure you want to take them with you, do so. It is a long trip and a bit of a hassle to move pets over these kind of distances. If you decide not to take them with ...
Flummox uses's user avatar
4 votes

Moving with pets: boxer, kitten and betta fish (1330 mile trip)

Can't pitch in on advice for dog/beta fish/kid, but can throw in my 2 cents for the cat. Depending on the cat, if your cat is accustomed to car rides and frequent outings, and in fact likes it, this ...
PandaPants's user avatar
4 votes

Is the filter change necessary?

No, you do not need to change the filter material. But what you need to do is remove the charcoal and replace it with new filter foam (filter sponge). The charcoal is only needed if you are removing ...
trond hansen's user avatar
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4 votes

White patches/spots on my betta

This doesn't look like Ich to me. In my experiences, ich generally seems to manifest in several places on the fish's body as small white granules rather than a single place in a larger white patch. ...
Henders's user avatar
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What’s wrong with my Betta fish?

It's always hard to identify when a fish is doing poorly. But what I always recommend is making sure they have the right environment. That's always key to having a healthy fish. Once they're in the ...
Gwendolyn's user avatar
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Why did my betta’s fins grow back curly?

It looks quite good to me. From your description it sounds like your beautiful betta is healthy and the progression from February shows improvements, so it means he lives a healthy life. I had a ...
Manuki's user avatar
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Want to know solution of betta fish problem

Some basic advice: learn how to cycle your aquarium at the beginning (this answer has a good reference about it); Based on the advice about cycling: add some gravel - it will accumulate dirt, and ...
virolino's user avatar
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Growing a baby betta with other fish in the tank

Individual bettas are unique, so you should keep an eye on him on the first days anyway. You never know. Typically, a baby will not be aggressive, I have seen many very small bettas kept in community ...
Manuki's user avatar
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Why my betta lounges at water surface repeatedly

Bettas are anabantoids, commonly known as labyrinth fish after the labyrinth organ, which is a kind of lung-like extension of the gill tissue which can absorb oxygen from air. For labyrinth fish, ...
Tom W's user avatar
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Why do my Betta fish keep dying?

The existing answer gives a good course of action and one of the comments suggesting the source of the fish (i.e. the local fish store) might be a good one to follow up. Some fish stores even offer a ...
Pam's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I help my betta, who has a white-ish sore on his side, is laying at the bottom of the tank, and isn't eating?

The first thing to check with sick fish is the water quality. As indicated in the excellent answer from Gwendolyn, small tanks need more frequent water changes (even if you're using a pump with a ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
4 votes

How to feed fish when you're ill?

If you are worried (and I simply can’t answer whether your sniffles would be contagious), don’t use your bare hands, if only for your own peace of mind. Personally I’d think washing your hands should ...
Stephie's user avatar
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3 votes

Betta male at bottom of tank

From the information you've given this sounds exactly like a poor water quality or living conditions issue. I would wager that since he left the conditions of the shop, he has slowly deteriorated. ...
Henders's user avatar
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3 votes

Mollies with Bettas?

Betta can be housed with various other fish but in your case, you're short on space. 20L (5 gal) is about what is recommended for only a betta. Various sources seem to place the min tank requirement ...
Rémi's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I decipher how aggressive my Betta is?

I posted an answer in the question you linked. I have for a second time a male betta with other fish in a tank. The first time it was in a 15 gallon tank on the overstock side of things (after about ...
Rémi's user avatar
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