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7 votes

My dog is very allergic to something and is starting to become scared of me

It had turned out to be the new detergent that I had bought. I went back to the non-perfumed original detergent and washed everything and his symptoms got better almost overnight.
user3355098's user avatar
6 votes

I really want a guinea pig, but I think I am allergic to rabbits says: If the rabbit also causes an allergy, you might consider a smaller pet. A guinea pig is a fairly safe bet for most people with allergies. If you find that a regular guinea pig ...
user11111111111's user avatar
6 votes

Can a hamster be allergic to cats?

I suppose it's possible that there's an allergy at play here but I'd be looking for a more likely cause first. Has the cat been checked/treated for fleas? Fleas, mites or ticks can transfer from cats ...
motosubatsu's user avatar
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6 votes

Dog's cotton allergy

A few things to consider If your veterinarian suspected Mange you would need an anti-parasitic such as Bravecto. Steroids will not kill parasites. To rule out food allergies your dog will need a diet ...
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
  • 12.6k
5 votes

Cleaning to rid house of cat allergen after cat is gone

Allergic reactions to cats is mostly caused by proteins in saliva, as well as dander. Physical removal is the only solution. This means vacuuming and wet cleaning, mostly. You shouldn't need to use a ...
Mick's user avatar
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4 votes

How to wash cat hair out of fleece fabric?

It's almost certainly cat dander, saliva, or urine that you're allergic to, rather than the hair itself. Washing the fabric in hot water should neutralise any of those allergens, and also leave your ...
mhwombat's user avatar
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What could cause my dog's rash and yellow flakes besides allergies?

Sadly its impossible to diagnose skin issues online, it needs to be seen in person. Hot spots (bacterial), fungal, allergies, parasites. Maybe they both came in contact with a chemical. Sometimes you ...
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
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4 votes

How do I stop cat hair and dander form leaving my bedroom and bathroom and going into the rest of the house?

I 100% agree with Cricket that it's practically impossible to stop the cat fur. For example, even when I brush the cat I can't brush her entire body, and that's when she wants to sit still enough. The ...
杜興怡's user avatar
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4 votes

Treat substitutions for a restricted diet cat?

I suggest you look for freeze dried fish cat treats. Typically fish is the only ingredient. They are somewhat smelly (which for pets is generally a desirable characteristic). It's easy to break into ...
Meg's user avatar
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Pug Allergy - Skin Rash

I have the same problem with my pug. We took him to several vets. What we do to reduce this skin problem is using a 2% ketoconazole ointiment everyday. Have to clean the apartment floor every day ...
user13514's user avatar
4 votes

How to get cat allergens out of a furnished apartment

You need to start by vacuuming any soft surfaces like fabric, carpets, curtains (use a vacuum with a HEPA filter); you might want to leave the windows open to get clean air inside and to get the dust ...
trond hansen's user avatar
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3 votes

Treat substitutions for a restricted diet cat?

My cats love tuna, salmon and shrimp packaged treats, but the first ingredient listed on all three packages is chicken, so that’s out for you, at least for Temptations brand. Unfortunately, fresh ...
StephenS's user avatar
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Bulldog skin problem

Looks like caked on mud to me. Dogs run and play, sometimes kicking up dirt along the way. A fleck here and there can go unnoticed until you are petting them later. Once it's dried it would act just ...
elbrant's user avatar
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How do I stop cat hair and dander form leaving my bedroom and bathroom and going into the rest of the house?

Manage the Hair Problem Regularly While I think you'll find it nigh impossible to completely eradicate the hair, there are a few of things that you could do to significantly cut down on the problem. ...
Cricket's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to have a pet cat even with cat allergies?

I have used Allerpet on my 2 cats, one longhair. They didn't mind it too much--instead of wiping on as the directions said, I parted hair and sprayed it on, then wiped it with cloth or soft brush or ...
strabismus's user avatar
3 votes

Can dogs be allergic to materials that collars are made of?

Yep! Collars can cause these kinds of irritations, most commonly I see it in dogs that go in the water a lot and get their collars wet. The moisture from the collar can cause yeasty irritations on the ...
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
  • 12.6k
2 votes

Cleaning to rid house of cat allergen after cat is gone

Excellent answer by Mick. Adding to his answer: Wash clothing, bedding, towels, etc., normally but with the addition of OxiClean or other H2O2 additive. These additives aid in the breakdown of the ...
M.Mat's user avatar
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2 votes

Ants on my cat cause itching, how do I treat the bites?

It sounds like you've gotten rid of the ants but your cat is still uncomfortable. A few years ago we had an infestation of Cheyletiella mites that lasted for several months (our general vet couldn't ...
Zaralynda's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it true that it's unsafe to put an e-collar on a cat? Are there any alternatives to it that cats would find more comfortable?

Step # 1 If your cats allergies are that severe we really need to figure out whats causing the problem and to soothe the inflammation in the meantime. This will have to be done with your DVM. Step # ...
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
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2 votes

French Bulldog very itchy

I see little swollen bumps, especially around the armpits. I also see the red on their chest. These areas are not typical for seasonal allergies, and combined with the bumps, I think you have ...
rlb.usa's user avatar
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My dog kicks excessively whenever he is scratched at any point on his body. Can it be a sign of allergy?

I agree with your vet that an allergy could cause the skin to become very sensitive and itchy. The most common allergies in dogs are food allergies. There are actually allergy tests for dogs and they ...
Elmy's user avatar
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2 votes

Why do dogs and cats produce allergens, and how will these shots work to prevent it from stimulating the immune system in humans?

Allergy symptoms are caused by the immune system reacting to something that's harmless. People that don't have the allergy don't have an immune reaction. Pets don't get sick from their own dander ...
Kai's user avatar
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2 votes

How can i get rid of pet hair?

For people who want to live with pets, but have perhaps a mild allergy, my recommendation would be to vacuum frequently with an electric vacuum that includes a HEPA filter and a furniture brush ...
Meg's user avatar
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Dog Atopic Dermatitis

Almost 2 years later and have made good progress on keeping this under control. Hopefully someone else finds this info useful. Cytopoint has since become available here and is a much better ...
Jak's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a way to know definitively if a dog is hypoallergenic?

Like @Elmy mentioned in the comments, "No dog breed is ever 100% hypoallergenic." When someone is allergic to a dog, it's likely to be things like dander and saliva versus the fur. Each ...
Carrott's user avatar
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1 vote

Cat losing fur on left side of her neck

This is just a possibility, but it could be scabies. My dogs were recently infested with them and the vet failed to catch it. The vet thought they just had allergies and treated them with Cytopoint. ...
drg's user avatar
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It doesn't seem very severe, but you can never tell from pictures alone. Your dog's behavior tells you whether or not the situation is severe. If a dog: gets very inactive and sleepy, stops eating, ...
Elmy's user avatar
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1 vote

Dog's cotton allergy

First of all, when an allergy is found to be present, more tests are needed to see if any similar allergens do trigger the immune response (the body often reacts to other plants in the same family); ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.6k

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