My guppy gave birth 4 times previously and each time I recorded the number of fry. The numbers of fry were: 13, 20, 8, 14. I actually witnessed the birth of the fry this time and noticed a lot of dead fry. There were 3 fry that survived, much lower than previous times, and approximately 8-10 fry that were born dead. I am not sure how many fry were born dead previous times but as I did not witness these but I'm assuming it was much lower due to the number that survived. Is there a reason for this decline in fry / increase in fry mortality? The only changes since previous times is that I have added a small amount of fertiliser for the plants, added a betta fish (although he doesn't seem too aggressive towards the guppy), and the first lot of fry are now at the stage where they try and impregnate the guppy in question (their mother) even though she is already pregnant.