I'm in the process of designing a new vivarium for a bearded dragon that I'm going to get in the future. I'm intending on building this from scrtch out of high-quality materials (I'm an engineer so I know what I'm doing). From my reading I've determined the following design requirements: - Dimensions of at least 2x1x0.6m. - Must have a hot-end of roughly 37C. - Must have a cold-end of roughly 26C. - Must have a night-time temp of about 21C. - Must have a UVB source during the day. - Must have hides and climbing spots. - Humidity of around 20% is ideal. I'm thinking of connecting all of the sensors/heaters/bulbs/misters to an STM32 board and having them all automatically controlled and maybe adding a few cameras as well so I can watch him when I'm away. ---------- My question is thus: are my requirements correct and is there anything that I've forgotten?