To add a few points to [Kai][1]'s [excellent answer][2].

>I was thinking if we did occasionally would he be less aggressive and happier?

I don't think that will make a difference. Possibly the more the cat is indoors the more he will be used to you, which counts in your favour. 
To combat what you see as potential boredom:
- make sure he has scratching posts, or something that serves as such. 
-  play games with him. I find games where they have to catch something you dangle or flit across the floor are good.
- an outdoor run may also help give him the outdoors with safety. They can even be run as a tunnel from a cat door that you can close at night.

[![enter image description here][3]][3]

Ultimately, the best way to get a cat to cuddle with you, is to sit still or lie down. Cats will come to people when they are quiet and don't move. Mine seem to enjoy it most when I am trying to use a computer. When you are totally ignoring them and are focused on something, how often will they try to intercept the object of your attention! A bit of humour, but some truth.

I'd try Kai's suggestions. I hope he becomes more smoochy.
