All my life I've had one favorite animal: the anaconda.
I used to read up quite a lot of documentation on them, but as time went on, I forgot most of it & haven't really found the time lately to read up on them again.

However, it's always been a dream for me to have an anaconda as a pet, however due to it's size, I assume there's quite a few difficulties to keep one without being involved with snakes constantly.

So what my question boils down to:
What variant(not sure I'm using the right word here - if any - would be the least troublesome to transport & house in Europe (I'm adding the "in Europe" because I don't know if there's any anacondas being bred outside of South-America)

Thanks in advance

PS: Bonus points to whoever tells me some less well-known facts about anacondas ;)

PPS: I'm not sure the biology department on SE is the correct place for this question, but it seemed the most viable, if I should be redirecting my question somewhere else, feel free to point me in the right direction :)