Cleo came to me in [bad shape][1] 7th October 2016. To everyone's distress (including hers), she had a horrific injury on 9th April, 2017. We could not find the cause of the injury, which is disturbing. So we moved her to a new agistment as soon as we could. She cut her front leg through to the bone, approximately 30cm long. The thigh was degloved and the skin hung around her knee. The injury was horrific and caring for it was a steep learning curve and there were a lot of conflicting ideas suggested and it took a lot of research to assess what was best for the horse. Having come through such a major injury successfully without infection and a horse that is not lame, I've decided to share the experience in the hopes it will guide others. **WARNING: The photos are highly graphic.** [Standing - ***WARNING: graphic***]( [Close up of injury - ***WARNING: highly graphic!***]( [Close up of bone - ***WARNING: highly graphic!***]( [1]: