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Questions tagged [weight]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Leopard gecko's remarkable lethargy and weight loss during recent 3 weeks

My leopard gecko stopped eating probably about 3 weeks ago. He has lost a significant amount of weight and is remarkably lethargic. He is now 29 grams and a little over a year old. My gecko never ...
natalie's user avatar
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My cat is refusing to eat for 4 days?

My cat have not eaten anything for 5 days that he became so skinny, so I went to the vet and he got his temperature normal also looked at the cat ear wax through a microscope and it seemed normal, so ...
KMG's user avatar
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Is being slightly overweight the only reason my cat doesn't eat sometimes?

My cat (Fluffy) is 12 year old Norwegian Forest Cat. He has been lately some days not eating. My wife worked more lately so he had less time with her. My wife took him to the vet and he checked his ...
user2617804's user avatar