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Questions tagged [vocalizations]

The sounds a pet makes: barking, meowing, or otherwise, and how to manage or interpret them.

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2 votes
1 answer

Is it true that cats only meow at humans?

It's been said that cats only meow as a way to communicate with their humans. They are not supposed to meow at each other. After our cat just gave birth to 7 kittens and now I have to question that ...
lorin bannerman's user avatar
0 votes
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My rescue cat now meows incessantly in the morning for food

I adopted my rescue cat about 5 weeks ago, he was immediately confident in the house (from appearances) but had some very clear food anxiety. He was someone’s pet but they abandoned him outside :( He’...
Sam's user avatar
  • 1
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Random caterwauling by neutered female cat. Any known explanation?

I'm not convinced this one has an answer... I've seen this in many cats, but over the years my cat has had a habit of every now and then uttering a series of four to eight yowls in what sounds to me ...
keshlam's user avatar
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Do ultrasonic sound devices really work for barking problem?

My dog’s barking really annoys me, and he barks sometimes in the middle of the night when I’m deeply sleep. So I’m looking for a solution for this problem. Do ultrasonic sound devices work for barking ...
Sasan's user avatar
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Dog growls when I walk inside after being out for a very brief time

Four of us in a house (my wife, myself, two young daughters), and we have an almost two-year old, 10 pound Maltipoo (Maltese-Poodle mix). He growls only at me and only under a specific condition: If I ...
user27523's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

My dog doesn't read playmates social cues and when the other dog growls or nips at her my dog will start a dog fight, how do I help her get over this?

Backstory: Some back story, my 1.5 year old lab mix is a super sweet girl. She has never been aggressive towards humans and just loves life. She is a super high energy dog, we take her for long walks ...
Jordan Elliott's user avatar
1 vote
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Cat refuses to walk on carpet?

A few days ago, our cat has started to avoid walking on the carpet. Our living room is carpeted and has been the whole time we have been in the property and had the cat. As of a few days ago he had no ...
Christopher Briggs's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What is the best way to correct dog’s barking at home against sounds from outside?

What is the best way to correct dog’s barking at home against sounds from outside? If you tried something that worked, please share it.
Sasan's user avatar
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1 answer

Does white noise work for barking problem?

For stoping dogs from barking, and correct barking problem, some websites suggest the devices that produce white noise. Anyone here know if they really work? My dog barks a lot, specially when he ...
Sasan's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Do electronic collars work for barking?

My dog barks when he hears certain sounds from our neighborhood such as the sounds of other dogs around. Some people suggest that I buy an electronic collar that shocks the dog when he barks. Do such ...
Sasan's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to train my dog not to bark at sounds coming from neighborhood?

My dog is about 8 months old, so technically still a puppy. He barks at sounds coming from neighborhood, such as other dogs barking around, sounds of kids, etc. Is there a practical way to end up this ...
Sasan's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Why is my 12yr old cat howling (almost sounds like he's crying out for something or someone!) [closed]

My 12 to 13-year-old male cat named Gordo has started to howl or I just don't know how to describe it, it is so heart-wrenching. I feel like crying when I hear him doing that I don't know what to do ...
Lora Goldseth's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Dog howling at emergency response vehicles, is this normal?

I have a 3-year-old Gerbian Shepsky who whenever he hears fire truck, ambulance, or police car sirens he just starts howling (he does not howl at car horns, but he will bark at them) he started doing ...
Deko Revinio's user avatar
1 vote
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Excessive barking at me when company is over, why?

We recently had a baby and when company comes over, my dog barks when I go near our baby. It's almost as if he wants all my attention. If I leave the house, and the company is still there with my ...
Ilianna's user avatar
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1 answer

New Cat - Meow at night and doesn't use litter box

I just adopted this young cat for 1 day (I know but I am also first time pet owner...) The cat is about 1 or 2 year old and was a feral but really like to be around with human so rescue decided to ...
Z Feng's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote
2 answers

Only give cat attention when silent - for how long?

I'm dealing with an overly vocal cat - almost all literature states to completely ignore a cat when the behavior is not as desired. This means not feeding, not giving attention, not giving into ...
Brydon Gibson's user avatar
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Do cats purr for other animals?

It's well known that cats purr for humans more than for other cats. But: Would a cat purr if stroked by another humanoid animal, like a chimp? Would a cat purr if stroked by a non-humanoid animal, ...
Rocketmagnet's user avatar
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Dog keeps mouthing and barking at me [closed]

When my boyfriend leaves the house his very large male German Shepard barks excessively at me. And has started mouthing me now. He has broken the skin a few times and it seems to be getting worse. ...
Jennifer's user avatar
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How do you get a green cheek conure to stop screeching so much?

I have a 8yr old pineapple green cheek conure (most likely male). Since losing his cage mate 2 years ago he has become needier (more frequent, nosier screeching). He is will taken care of. We let him ...
daniellopez46's user avatar
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How to legally stop a neighbors dog from barking at the fence, without contact with the dog? [closed]

I've tried to research how to stop a dog from barking, but the articles always seem to be on how to stop your own dog from barking, or if you don't own the dog, the best bet seems to be going through ...
Spring's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Cat growling at nearby people while holding a "caught" toy

At some point, my cat started growling whenever she manages to catch her toys in her teeth. When she does this, she holds onto it while growling whenever anyone is within a meter or two. One thing ...
Noctiphobia's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What to do about my dog barking at everything? [duplicate]

Our 2 year old cockapoo is very anxious and we have had trainers/behaviourist advice; no matter what we do she is obsessed with barking loudly indoors and in the back yard, upsetting us and neighbours....
MaryAnita's user avatar
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How do we help settle our dog into our new apartment?

My partner and I have a 1 year old kelpie border collie. She is an active and happy dog who receives immense amounts of love, affection and care. We take her out without fail every morning and ...
Alek Jakubiak's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Kitten growling and hissing while obssesively playing with a brand new toy

I adopted a female kitten that is about 8 weeks old with 3 other litter mates. She is a medium-haired tuxedo. I've had them for about 3 weeks. I brought home a new toy for her to play with today. It's ...
gggirlgeek's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Why does my cat only meow while carrying his toy bunny?

My cat (2 year old orange male tabby) basically only makes 3 noises. 1. Purring 2. Chattering at bugs/lasers/moving light reflections and 3. Meowing exclusively when carrying around/being-near-after-...
Runeaway3's user avatar
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Why does my cat make growling noises at night time?

My cat makes these weird noises only at night when everyone is asleep. It sounds like a growling noise. She is the only pet in my home, she makes this growling noise when she is resting and/or asleep. ...
LOSTinNEWYORK's user avatar
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Guidance Needed to Prevent Corgi Puppies from Barking At night while outside

We have twin boy Corgi puppies born in February this year. We have tried sleeping them outside but they bark incessantly - at cars passing by our house, at cats in our yard or adjoining yards, at ...
Sid Childers's user avatar
10 votes
10 answers

Tried everything: Cat still meowing all night

My cat keeps meowing at night. I have tried ignoring her, not letting her sleep all day, providing enough food and water, making sure her litter box has been cleaned before going to bed, playing with ...
Leo's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

What can be done to stop roosters from crowing all day and night?

Our neighbor's backyard is almost directly adjacent to ours. He's put up a few pens with chickens and also has at least 2 (but maybe as many as 4, judging by the sounds) roosters. In an urban ...
Tinkeringbell's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Do dogs 'sigh out of contentment'?

Over the years, I have noticed with all of my dogs that after I have given some sweet talk and ear scratches, they will give out a long sigh. I am hoping this is out of contentment. Is there any basis ...
Cascabel_StandWithUkraine_'s user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

My cat gave birth yesterday and she keeps breathing heavily via her mouth

Yesterday, while delivering her kittens, my cat kept breathing through her mouth and breathing heavily. We thought it's because she's just too tired. This is her second time. Last time, she gave birth ...
Hey Yo's user avatar
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What is my cat doing?

My 4 year old keeps doing this. Does anyone know what's going on? (sound on) Video description: the cat holds a toy in its mouth, carries it while walking around in a ...
ResoundingBoom's user avatar
3 votes
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Why is my cat bothered by my being in the bathroom?

One of my cats gets (apparently?) very upset whenever I am in the bathroom. Meaning, she meows loudly and frequently in a way that sounds, to my ear, sometimes like distress, and sometimes like she's ...
Matthew's user avatar
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2 answers

10 month old GSD going crazy in crate - how to stop this?

My "bad" dog is crate trained for bed. At night he's great, but not when he goes in there for naps--he doesn't nap, he just goes crazy. He's mostly focused on my "good" dog (who ...
Holly's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

My Cat Meows at Me Every Morning

I wake up at 6:30 every morning and when I get out of bed, I hear an insane amount of meows. When I get into the shower, she sits right next to the tub and cries at me. I open the door so she can go ...
Jolee Pitts's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Why does my cat lick my lips every time he purrs?

I’m not sure why, but without fail, every time my cat starts purring he licks my lips. It’s not just a few licks either—sometimes he’ll do it for up to a minute or two, walk off, then double back for ...
airgelz's user avatar
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Canine Physiology | Pomsky Vocalization - How Advanced For Speech?

There's been demonstration with some birds, such as with parrots like African Greys - e.g with Alex, with the work of comparative psychologist Dr. Irene Pepperberg, who also studied its intelligence ...
Gal Grünfeld's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

My new cat won't stop meowing [duplicate]

I just got a new 1 year old cat on January 31st 2021. He's of course hiding, which is understandable. He's a domestic medium hair cat. Last night I went to sleep and he just kept meowing like crazy, ...
Mikya Rochette's user avatar
2 votes
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Did I make a mistake getting a 2nd cat?

I have 2 cats. I got the 2nd cat mostly because my impression was that cat 1 was bored. However, cat 1 gives me looks that say, “don’t you love me anymore?” and “have I done something wrong to ...
Susan in Mpls's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why does my dog bark for permission to eat? [duplicate]

Pepe is an 8 year old Chihuahua /Papillon rescue. We've had him for 5 years. Recently he's decided that he won't eat unless we tell him it's ok. He'll just stand there, barking. Even if he's just ...
Sueimpe 's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Why does my dog bark at me when I let him out?

When I let my dog out into the garden, he barks at me for a while. I usually shut the door and he runs off to do his business, without looking back at me or barking at me again. I'm not sure why, is ...
NJW's user avatar
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Male cat in heat symptoms and solution

I think my cat (male, 1 yr and 2 months old) is in heat (please pardon me if "heat" is not the right term for male cats). I have dogs, but he is my first cat. He is meowing very loudly and ...
Kakar's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Why is my cat following and keeping an eye on my other cat?

Some context: I have two cats, one male (Gatão, 3-5 years old) and one female (Pitica, 1-2 years old). Pitica has been spayed before I took her in, Gatão has been spayed since last week. They came ...
Shinpai's user avatar
  • 61
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Why is my cat acting so anxious and aggressive? [duplicate]

My cat is acting anxious and aggressive. Also, he is being mean to his little sister. I have tried keeping them in my room to practice working together, but that does not help. And whenever I pick him ...
CatMaster's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Both cats "yowling" in a specific location of the home

I am trying to understand an oddly consistent behavior. I have two cats in my home that will "yowl" at a very specific point of the home, a small hallway leading back to a bathroom and ...
NBJack's user avatar
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Kitten's voice & growth rate

I have a kitten who meows silently, but purrs perfectly well. She is also growing at a slower rate than other kittens born around the same time. She seems perfectly healthy & quite frankly very ...
Lisa4353's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Husky howling repeatedly - what can be done for it?

I am wondering what can be done for a husky who howls whenever the owner is leaving and then absent from his or her home.
aitía's user avatar
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How to make sense of my cat's whining and resolve it?

My cat (Grammer) is a 1.5 year old male rescue who is the most friendly and gentle cat I've ever had. I adopted him because my other kitten (Marduk) who is two months older was not properly socialized ...
Dshiz's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How do I stop my dog from barking early in the morning?

My dog is 4 years old. She sleeps downstairs and always has. All of a sudden she's started to bark at early hours in the morning. I have taken her out to do her business, but not long after she barks ...
Chloe Jones's user avatar
2 votes
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Cockatiel making weird noise everytime I scratch or take her away from her food

My female cockatiel, I just got, has been acting really weird. She was quiet the first couple of days, but now she just screams all the time. She is eating all the time and is very aggressive while ...
Emma Cramer's user avatar