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Questions tagged [sound]

Referring to incidents where audio or loud noise is a factor, such as broadcasts, radio, music, thunder, and explosions.

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1 answer

Can I play an audio of a small puppy's whining or crying to calm a neighbor aggressive dog?

My neighbor's dog barks loudly and continuously whenever it hears the sound of my typing on the computer keyboard inside my house. The dog lives in the neighbor's backyard 24 x 7 and can hear that ...
Job_September_2020's user avatar
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0 answers

Would it be OK to keep boa imperator terrarium not too far from tv screen?

I have two places I can keep terrarium for my new girl: In my bedroom - calm and quiet, but lower ambient temperature. In my living room - higher ambient temperature and more fun for me to watch, but ...
Mołot's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

How cruel is it to make your cat listen to other cats?

From time to time, to control how cats act, I use other cat sounds (I play these sounds using my phone). Female cats are attracted to crying kittens, whether they are spayed or not, while male cats ...
ck1987pd's user avatar
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2 answers

How to help my dog to be not so afraid of fireworks?

My dog is terrified of fireworks. With 1 or 2 bangs, I can calm her down easily by playing or offering treats. But if there are more bangs and they happen quite often, it's impossible to get her to ...
Marko Taht's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

My cat waves her tail when I make funny sounds. What does this mean?

My family has a cat and lives a more or less balanced life (from sleeping wherever she wants to being chased by young teenagers and actually waiting for them when they do not chase her fast enough). ...
WoJ's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is it ok to lock my cat for half an hour to clean my room? If not how should I do it?

I adopted my cat ~4 months ago from a shelter, he was a stray before. About a few days in, I did the terrible mistake of cleaning my room with a vacuum cleaner. In my defense, in the shelter they told ...
petowner16725765's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Dog can Sense Thunder Seconds Before Heard?

I noticed that during a thunder storm, my male black lab/shepherd mix (~4 yrs) would bark around one second before thunder could be heard. He normally does this with suspicious thudding noises/...
Galaxy's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Do dogs interpret decibels the same as humans?

One of our dogs was very badly attacked a few months ago by another dog (thankfully she survived) and we have recently been looking at methods to deter anything like this happening again. One of the ...
Brett's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How can I correct disobedience when my dog is frightened?

I have a 4 year old Border Collie and she is very sensitive to noises. Not just loud noises, but any sort of "bassy" noise. These noises often occur while I'm out walking her, and when they do, she ...
Chris White's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What does budgie chirping means? [closed]

I have an 5-years old Budgie (male, unfortunately now is alone) in a cage. I recognize when he's singing (for example when play with bell or hearing some sounds he likes). I also recognize when he ...
jsDoggy's user avatar
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12 votes
6 answers

What effect do loud drums have on cats' hearing?

I have two 15-year-old black cats. They're the most timid little things ever. My brother plays his acoustic drum set at least once a week, and the loudness is incredible no matter where I go in the ...
Adam's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to prevent fear of fireworks in dogs? [duplicate]

Many dogs are afraid of the sound of fireworks. They panic, often barking and sometimes becoming aggressive. One could sedate the dog before July 4th, but that's not the best for the dog. What other ...
Mooseman's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Are ultrasonic humidifiers harmful for pets?

We just bought an ultrasonic humidifier. While researching if I needed to use demineralised water, I came across a website (this one, in German) saying that ultrasonic humidifiers are harmful/annoying ...
Little Ms Whoops's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How can I get my dog to stop being so sensitive to noise?

I have a 4-year old dog who, at times, is very fearful. We can deal with her fearfulness, but the problem we can't seem to resolve is her sensitivity to noise. If someone slams a car door outside and ...
user294101's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

How do I keep my supply of feeder crickets from keeping me awake at night?

In college, I had a pet lizard that ate crickets. However, the dorm room was quite small, and keeping crickets on hand proved problematic, as their chirping at night was annoying, and interfered with ...
Beofett's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

Why does my dog sing along to Final Jeopardy?

I have had multiple scenarios where dogs I've owned or watched would consistently howl or sing at very specific things, and nothing else. Scenario 1: Final Jeopardy Whenever we babysat our friend's ...
JoshDM's user avatar
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33 votes
5 answers

What can I do to ease my dogs' fear of loud noises?

Whether it is my Black Labrador or my parents' American Eskimo, the sounds of thunder, fireworks and sometimes random loud noises can send them into a bit of a panic mode. They shake for an extended ...
Fauxcuss's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Are ultrasonic repeller devices painful for dogs?

I have mice in the apartment, and I am interested in using an ultrasonic repeller device. However, I read the following online: "Humans can hear sound at frequencies up to about 23,000 Hz (Hertz)...
Brian Rushton's user avatar
23 votes
5 answers

How do I walk a small dog afraid of loud noises in an urban area?

I have a miniature dachshund puppy (10 months, 9lbs.) that is easily frightened by loud noises, such as trucks passing by. Walking in any urban setting seems to be a negative experience, but she ...
Brendan Hannemann's user avatar