Questions tagged [shrimp]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Effect of KH on Neocaridina shrimp

It is my understanding that, in the aquarium, KH (carbonate hardness) raises the pH slightly, but primarily acts as a "buffer", preventing large pH swings. For Neocaridina shrimp (I keep ...
Matt's user avatar
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Hydra infestation

Recently I’ve noticed a hydra infestation. I’ve pulled out about 5 hydras already, but I know there are some left. One of my golden back shrimp have already lost their life to the hydra’s paralysing, ...
Flyhighwhiskers's user avatar
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Is dry cottonwood safe for an aquarium?

I have a river close to my house with huge cotton woods growing along it. During monsoons they fall and dry out. I found some nice bits and I just want to know if I can soak them and add them to my ...
Brittany's user avatar
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Amano shrimp disappearing 1 day after adding to an aquarium

As a test (as I was cautious even after the shop keeper said it's fine), I bought 3 Amano shrimp to add to my aquarium. One day later only one was still there (right top of the pic). All three were ...
Thomas's user avatar
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