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Questions tagged [reptiles]

Relating to keeping a reptile as a pet; housing, feeding, care. No generalised reptile questions.

2 questions from the last 365 days
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Is Ceftazidime effective for treating mycoplasma

My pet was very sick so we took it to the vet The vet said it was likely mycoplasma infection and gave an injection of Ceftazidime However, when I researched online it appears that beta lactam ...
Harrychink's user avatar
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Can uromastyx recognize glass?

My ornate uro glass surfs for long periods of time every day. I've tried everything to narrow down what he could be needing. Here's his setup: He in a 4'x2'x2' PVC enclosure 95-100F on the hot end, ...
joshisanonymous's user avatar