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Questions tagged [play]

Play between pets and pets and their owners. Solutions to encourage healthy play time for pets, what is normal and how to curb destructive play habits.

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11 votes
1 answer

How can I encourage multiple cats to bond and play together?

Often two or even all three of my cats will want to play at the same time but they usually come to me for the fun and games. I try to start them off getting them excited but ultimately it boils down ...
Status3543's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to get the dog to be confident enough to play?

I have a 1.5 year old pointer, which will not play with toys. My intention is to go hunting with him, and therefore he needs to learn how to fetch. I have tried back chain teaching, which were very ...
Viking's user avatar
  • 31
13 votes
6 answers

How should I respond when my cat wants to wrestle?

Sometimes when I am petting my 3-year-old cat she will roll over on her back and stretch out. At this point, if I bring my hand near she will try to grab it with her claws or mouth. I think she is ...
augurar's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Why does my dog ignore the treats I try to give him when playing?

I usually use this little treats to teach my dog when he's behaving properly or when learning some trick and they work really well, he loves them. When I take him outside to play (I usually take him ...
Jorge's user avatar
  • 43
4 votes
1 answer

How can I teach my dog to play fetch if she won't leave my side because she smells the reward treats?

I have a dog who wants to chase bones. I can take a bone and wave it in front of her and state, "Who's got the bone?" and she will yip and run after it if I throw it. A bone is the ONLY thing she ...
JoshDM's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is it normal for a dog to grab another dog's tail while playing?

We have two dogs - a four year old male and a 2 year old female, same breed and roughly same size. We've had the 2 year old for a few weeks now. So far the two dogs are getting along well. They ...
Sabien's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

How can you tell if neck biting between dogs is too rough?

We have two dogs. One is a 4 year old male and the other is a new dog we adopted over a week ago who is a 2 year old female. They are both the same breed (Alaskan husky) and roughly the same size. ...
Sabien's user avatar
  • 563
12 votes
3 answers

How do I get one cat to realize the other is trying to play, and not fight?

I just moved in to a new place with my girlfriend, and we moved our cats in together. They both like to occasionally play, whether with us or with toys. The bigger, older cat really likes to play with ...
Mustard's user avatar
  • 291
9 votes
4 answers

Is there an outdoor place I can take my cat to run around in L.A.?

I live in Los Angeles and my two year-old cat is dying to go outside and run. But I'm afraid that if I let him out he will: run away or get run over by a car or get eaten by a wild animal (apparently ...
eje211's user avatar
  • 373
6 votes
1 answer

Dog has hindquarters down when we play: am I bullying her?

Often times I chase my dog for fun and giggles and I was always in the impression the fun was for both parties. Until I read this question . When I chase my pug it runs in a silly, awkward position ...
Boris Callens's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Teaching a dog to play fetch

I have a six month old Rhodesian Ridgeback who I have not been able to cultivate an interest in playing fetch. I take him outside and he is more interested in walking around and chewing on sticks ...
EEP's user avatar
  • 579
19 votes
3 answers

Why do cats enjoy playing in cardboard boxes?

Whenever I bring a box home, or I get a package in the mail, both of my cats immediately have to inspect it thoroughly. As soon as it's empty, they'll be playing games with it: jumping in and out, ...
Spidercat's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

My cat will only play with silicone earplugs, which is concerning. How do I fix that?

My 3 year old neutered female cat has gone mental on playing with silicone earplugs. They are small, chewy, yellow things you put in your ears to block out noise. My cat thinks they are THE BEST ...
Discipol's user avatar
  • 393
6 votes
2 answers

How much daily activity does a Newfypoo need?

I am thinking about getting a Newfypoo (a cross between a Newfoundland and a Poodle) puppy. How much daily playtime and training does a Newfypoo need on average?
user578's user avatar
  • 61
11 votes
2 answers

Does hissing always mean fear or aggression?

Does hissing always mean fear or aggression or it can be a part of the play? Sometimes when playing hide-and-seek or chase games with a kitten, he allows himself to be chased into a corner, and then ...
coverback's user avatar
  • 767
5 votes
1 answer

How much game time is required for a kitten?

Our indoor kitten, like any, is very playful. Either he's playing or he's sleeping. Whenever we go into bedroom and close the door, he scratches and meows to let him in, and after letting in, just ...
coverback's user avatar
  • 767
11 votes
2 answers

Why do my cats leave small toys/items around the house?

My cats tend to leave small toys or items (favorites: socks, sweatbands and a Jerry Springer koozie) around the house when we're not at home and we find them in the hallway when we get home. What does ...
Alison S's user avatar
  • 521
12 votes
3 answers

How do I get my dachshund to be interested in toys?

I have a dachshund who will not actively play with toys. She will, very rarely, pick up a bone or a chew toy (mostly a bone). She has a myriad of toys available to her, ranging from small, fluffy, ...
JoshDM's user avatar
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53 votes
4 answers

Who should win at tug of war?

I love playing tug of war with my dog. This is partially because he didn't show interest in toys at all early on, and getting him to actually pay attention to a tug rope was a long and often ...
Steve D's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

How much dominance is normal in 2 cats at play?

I have 2 cats; one is young (8 months) and the other is 1.5 years old. During play, the older cat always takes the role of the chaser and the younger cat always runs away. I had read somewhere that ...
Dennis Graves's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

How can I tell when it's time to stop playing?

I have a Border Collie that fetches things like it's his job. If he brings me something to throw and I don't do so promptly, he will start to get pushy and let me know that I need to stop being lazy ...
JohnB's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

How much exercise should a young cat be getting?

I have 2 young cats (1.5 years and 8 months). How much activity should they be getting during the day? They seem to be most active in the early morning and then settle down for the majority of the day ...
Dennis Graves's user avatar

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