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Questions tagged [plants]

Generally questions and issues not regarding the plants themselves - but rather the concerns that could arise from our pets' interaction with the beforementioned plants, like for example a concern of poisoning. In essence, questions related to presence of plants in our pets' containment like a terrarium.

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4 votes
3 answers

Dog destroys everything I plant in flower pots

My 2 year old dog, whenever I plant anything in some flower pots that I have in the garden, likes to dig and get it out of the flower pot. He only does it when I have something planted (so it's not ...
1 vote
0 answers

Which houseplants are most toxic to cats?

Numerous ordinary house plants have been marked as toxic to cats. Then again trace amounts on the claws that it licks off is different from eating the plant like they sometime do to grass to obtain ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to discourage an apartment cat from disturbing soil?

I have too many plants to cover all the soil with some net or mulch. The cat it a just kidnapped stray of 3-4 months of age. Furthermore I intend to keep it somewhat feral by occasional forest picnics....
16 votes
1 answer

Do cats know instinctively which plants are safe to eat?

I bought some house plants. I also bought some cat grass to distract my cat from eating the plants. She doesn't like the grass and mostly leaves the plants alone, except for one specific plant which I'...
5 votes
2 answers

What plants should I not have around cats?

Kind of the opposite of this question: What are safe plants to let my cat chew on? I have some cat grass and plants for my cats, but now that I'm in a larger house, I want to keep some indoor ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why are the leaves of my aquatic plant still yellowing in spite of fertilizing them?

I have a 29-gallon planted tank with mollies, mystery snails, and several live plants. One of my plants has been showing signs of yellowing leaves: I use Seachem's Potassium, Nitrogen, Phosphate, and ...
4 votes
1 answer

problems when a cat eats cucumber leaves?

In my head this question is kinda awkward. this year we started planting some vegetables on the balcony. (for your information it's strawberries, tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, hot pepper, lemon balm,...
0 votes
0 answers

Why does my dog sniff plant's

My dog keeps sniffing plants in the night when I watch movies or YouTube, since I don't want to watch YouTube or Movies in the morning. Everytime I watch in the night, he keeps coming to my plants and ...
10 votes
6 answers

Can I add soda water to my tank to supply CO₂ for my plants?

I have some plants in my tropical aquarium. They're not doing too well. I suspect I may have a CO2 shortage. Can I add soda water to the tank? I've seen complicated setups for adding CO2 to water. ...
0 votes
0 answers

Does mint plant affect guppies?

Can I try the step 1 and 2 posted here with a fish tank of guppies: Cutting a stem of mint; Placing mint stems in a glass of water fish tank containing guppies? Will guppies enjoy the mint plant? Is ...
4 votes
1 answer

What plant is this?

I was dealing with a lengthy illness and wasn't caring for my tank besides the minimums, and this plant has overgrown everywhere in my salt water tank. It's a very green plant (not sure why the ...
4 votes
1 answer

How do I prepare store-bought plants for use in a terrarium?

I've recently adopted a pair of American tree frogs, and have set up a terrarium for them. I purchased some plants for the terrarium from a local garden center, and while the species of plants are ...
9 votes
2 answers

Should I be concerned that my puppy is chewing on fallen leaves?

I have two 13 week old puppies who have a playpen that is partially shaded by a star magnolia tree. Winter is coming and the tree is starting to lose its leaves. I sometimes see the puppies chewing on ...
2 votes
1 answer

How do I stop my cat from digging at and sleeping in our flower box?

We have two indoor cats - a small Russian blue and a big Norwegian forest. They are both lovely cats and cause us very little issue. Until recently, when my wife decided to take up at-home indoor ...
1 vote
1 answer

Cats peeing in potted plants. What to do?

I have several big potted plants, and my cats are peeing on these plants. Needless to say, the plants aren't doing that great. The cat litters are always clean. Is there anything I can do so that the ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to safely get iron to aquarium plants?

I have a planted aquarium that I've been working on for a while and I'm still trying to get my plants to grow nicely. From doing a bit or research, I believe that my aquarium plants may need ...
2 votes
1 answer

Aquarium filter... what's the order?

Yesterday I bought a filter (top filter): a Sea Star HX-1480G, with F.Max at 2800L/H (which means that it has a flow rate of 2800 liters of water per hour). I installed 1 layer of a polyfiber pad at ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to use CO2 tablets for aquarium?

I'm new to live planted aquarium. Recently, while looking for CO2 system for my 22 liters (about 6 gallons) tank, I came through a product named CO2 tablets from generic seller. But I don't know the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why do my aquarium plants appear like they are mummified?

My 20 gallon tank is 6 months old. I haven't had too many problems with it, just a few diatoms 2 months into cycling it. I added 4 Serpae tetras, a Golden algae eater, 2 shrimp and an Assassin snail ...
2 votes
1 answer

Could you add catnip to cat food (canned or dry) to get my cats to eat it?

Can or should you add catnip to dry or moist cat food to get your cat to eat it? Should you even try to do so? If not, are there any substitutions that you can recommend? Granted not all cats like ...
2 votes
2 answers

My aquarium plants' leaves are dying

Why do my plants seem to get destroyed? I have around eleven to thirteen small fish, including Hypostomus plecostomus. My usual temperature inside aquarium was around 26 - 27 °C at first but I ...
2 votes
0 answers

Flourish Excel melting my hair grass and ludwigia

Folks, I got a nano-tank setup of 6 gallon (around 23 liters), in which I got: Tall Grass (Eleocharis Vivipara) Ludwigia Mini Dwarf Hair Grass (Eleocharis Acicularis) For the first 3 weeks I didn't ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to move a plant aquarium, to another house, city?

I have a an aquarium with normal glass, in the next couple of months we move to another city. Detail Size of the aquarium is 90 x 40 x 30 cm, it has so many plants that I use CO2 capsule and ...
2 votes
2 answers

Full Spectrum LED (400nm to 840nm) vs Grow Light LED (RED+BLUE)

I'm planning to buy lights for my planted aquarium tank. After a small research I found that regular lights are not suited for growing plants. Beacuse they need BLUE for leaf growth and RED for stem ...
2 votes
2 answers

Plant for cat to eat that she won't vomit?

My cat eats from all the decoration plants in the house, and then vomits them. What common inexpensive plant can a cat eat that's healthy and that she won't throw up? And it's a plus if it's a ...
2 votes
1 answer

Preventing hens from eating plants

My neighbor's hens always nibble of our flowering plants and herbs. We've tried fencing and everything yet they still somehow manage to get to the plants. Is there some way to prevent them from eating ...
4 votes
1 answer

What, if any, are the risks to a cat that ingests urushiol?

Cats and dogs do not suffer the allergic reaction to skin contact with urushiol that we humans do. What about ingestion? Imagine the following hypothetical1 near-worst-case2 scenario: A human has ...
0 votes
1 answer

What house plants do cats hate?

What house plants do cats hate? I'm looking for a plant that, if I put it in a spot or a corner, the cat will never go to there. Thanks.
4 votes
3 answers

Cat ate small amounts of dried daffodil flower, should I be worried?

Title tells it all - my cat found some dried daffodil flowers in my flat and I couldn’t catch him before he managed to ingest one (it’s not the type of daffodil with huge flowers but rather small ones,...
8 votes
1 answer

Are cats aware that lilies are toxic?

I have a few outdoor cats that like to roam freely along the street sometimes. I've just learned that lilies are poisonous to cats and I don't have any in my garden, but there is a lady nearby who ...
8 votes
1 answer

Plants suitable/safe for a hamster?

I am trying to create a 'natural' looking hamster cage. I want to create as much enrichment as I can by using rocks, moss, wood, leaves, sand, dirt and other elements that would be natural to a (dwarf)...
2 votes
2 answers

How to stop cats from eating toxic plants?

The Background We have 2 cats, and they are wonderfully smart…except when it comes to eating certain things that they have no business eating. One of these things is plants. One of our cats once ...
4 votes
2 answers

Plants for cat dental health?

I've had a large patch of wheat grass (cat grass) growing that my cats mostly enjoyed chewing on more than eating. Unfortunately one cat frequently ate way too much and threw up so it needed to be ...
1 vote
2 answers

Berries poisonous for cats

Are these berries poisonous for my cat? (no, he hasn't eaten any, but if they would be dangerous for him, I'd remove that Bush, just to make sure...)
1 vote
3 answers

Any ideas for an indoor real, climbable, tree or plant for a cat?

I live in the UK and we have the full gamut of seasons. From freezing January to sweltering August and as my flat faces South, plenty of sun from May to September. It must be something she can climb.
3 votes
1 answer

What is the safest way of protecting the plants in my turtles tank?

I have a Common Snapping Turtle who has about a 3 inch carapace, housed in a 40 gallon breeder tank. I like to keep live plants in the tank with her, as it helps with water quality. I am wondering if ...
6 votes
2 answers

What makes lilies toxic to cats?

I have been looking around and I have not seen to why lilies are toxic to cats. I know the whole plant is toxic, but why? Just curious.
1 vote
1 answer

Do dogs avoid eating poisonous plants?

When my dog eats grass, do I need to be worried that he will eat something poisonous, or do dogs generally know what is / isn't poisonous and stay away from poisonous plants?
4 votes
1 answer

Should I prevent my dog from eating grass?

My main question is: if my dog wants to eat grass, should I prevent him? I have heard that dogs do this to throw up, and seen this reason alluded to here: Why do dogs eat grass?, but am not 100% sure ...
2 votes
1 answer

Are these ivy berries poisonous to my guinea pig?

The ivy(?) bush in the garden has some black berries on it, are they safe for Guinea Pigs?
5 votes
1 answer

Can roadside plants absorb pollution that makes them unsafe for small animals?

Since I can't grow dandelions for my guinea pigs, I will pick them from where ever they are growing, making sure that the areas I pick them from are isolated and not close to any obvious pollution ...
8 votes
1 answer

Aloe Vera and Cats

I read that the ASPCA has listed Aloe Vera as mildly toxic to cats. a) Does that only mean toxic to ingest, or even live in a house with such a plant? If I'm sure my cat does not chew on the plant, ...
4 votes
1 answer

After using Spectracide® Weed Stop® for Lawns how long before the grass is safe to eat?

A friend has a lawn that has been treated with Spectracide® Weed Stop® for Lawns, and she has rabbits that she would like to allow graze on the lawn. Following the links from the Manufactures site it ...
3 votes
1 answer

What common house/garden plants are dangerous to dogs and why?

What common house/garden plants, if any, are dangerous to dogs and why are they? Are some potentially fatal?
4 votes
2 answers

What live plants are safe to plant in a vivarium with an Emerald Swift?

I recently bought an Emerald Swift, and want to add some live plants to his vivarium. What live plants are safe for me to put in there with him? He's an obligate carnivore, so I can't imagine that he'...
12 votes
3 answers

How do I keep a cat from eating houseplants?

My cat chews up some of mine and also my neighbors' plants. How can I break her bad habit before my neighbors get mad?
2 votes
0 answers

Best plant, live or artificial, to include into a tropical fish tank [closed]

I have a tropical fish tank at the moment with: Tiger Tetras; Neon Tetras; 2 Catfish (I can't remember the exact species). What plant would you suggest?