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Questions tagged [maintenance]

The process of maintaining, or preserving, something. Either by making repairs or replacements to it.

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0 answers

How to get rid of black hair algae?

My aquarium is infested; it's on the plant leaves/pebbles/glass. I tried to remove everything manually but it soon bloomed again, big water changes, shortening the lighting time, but no success. It ...
maazza's user avatar
  • 241
2 votes
1 answer

Aquarium with mud production that clogs the filtration system

I've had a 120 L aquarium for a few years; about 40 small fish are in it (including 6 Corydoras paleatus and 12 fire tetras). Now, as of a few months ago, I've noticed that the filter, the sponge, and ...
Thomas's user avatar
  • 65
1 vote
1 answer

What is this white-ish buildup on my fish filter?

What is this white-ish buildup on my fish filter? Should I be cleaning more often?
Marinaio's user avatar
  • 201
17 votes
6 answers

Discouraging cat from scratching couch

I have never had pets, but recently a friend of mine was in serious trouble and asked me to care for her cat. I did my best to accommodate it as well as I could. The house is vast, has a beautiful ...
Matteo Monti's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How to encourage an aquarium plant to carpet on it's own?

I have a small 10 gallon planted aquarium with Staurogyne repens as the main plant. My long-term goal is to have the S. repens cover most of the substrate. The substrate in my aquarium is organic soil ...
Jacob B's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Do pet garden snails need mud?

I have got two garden snails in a glass jar which is covered by a thin cloth for ventilation. For food currently I have given them white rice and powdered egg shells. I have also sprayed the bottom of ...
Aquarius_Girl's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to reduce excess micro-algae in pond

I have a small pond (I don't really know the volume, maybe 400 liters) with goldfish inside, they seem healthy with no apparent problem. The pond is constantly invaded by micro-algae that cannot be ...
Yeeter's user avatar
  • 138
7 votes
1 answer

How to reduce the smell of ammonia in horse's stall

How can I reduce the smell of ammonia from my horses stall? My horse is still young (3 years old) and currently makes quite a mess in her bed every morning. She will defecate and urinate all over the ...
SimplyRedAppaloosa's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can you use super glue on outside of fish tank?

Trim of my fish tank is leaking. Can you use super glue on outside of fish tank?
Tonya's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes
3 answers

How often to clean fish tank with bottom feeders

We have a 29 gallon fish tank with 3 snails, 3 shrimp and 3 catfish. We also have moon fish that I read like to eat algae. We have had the tank a couple of weeks and it looks really clean. I also ...
Susan 's user avatar
  • 31
4 votes
1 answer

How do I clean an aquarium?

I just got a used aquarium from my cousin. It's dry, but there is black stuff on the sides, and I'm not sure how to clean it off. It's completely disassembled, but the parts are inside. Everything ...
SouthernGardner's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

What is the level of effort for this fish tank? [duplicate]

One a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being metaphysically impossible) what is the level of effort to start and maintain a salt water tank with coral and fish (like the picture) for an amature? I currently have ...
Marinaio's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Is the filter change necessary?

My Betta, Neptune, lives in a BiOrb FLOW 30 tank which has a spongy filter material sitting on top of charcoal pellets. I was changing it monthly but got behind and the current filter is going on 3 ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What is the best way to clean soil substrate in my aquarium?

I recently set up a tank for a Betta sorority (I'm letting it cycle till we have everything) and as a substrate we have dirt. I was under the impression we just clean it like sand using a wider gravel ...
user10731's user avatar
  • 439
4 votes
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Pet Insurance: with no pedigree for a street-rescued cat, is it necessary to disclose suspected but unconfirmed breed?

If one has a cat they're pretty sure is a Manx - he has a short tail - but rescued him from the side of the road, is it necessary to when signing him up for pet insurance to tell them the breed he ...
lahwran's user avatar
  • 143
4 votes
1 answer

Which dogs shed the least?

My son want a puppy like yesterday. We will be going to an animal donation center tomorrow. My wife is adamant that it has be be a dog that doesn't shed fur. I don't know if such a breed exists, ...
0tyranny0poverty's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Looking for an automated aquarium

I'm looking for a fully automated aquarium. Need an automatically timed feeder for the fish Could the aquarium could automatically clean itself A battery backup for both the feeder and the cleaning ...
mk117's user avatar
  • 131
3 votes
2 answers

Could my gravel be causing my tank to be cloudy?

I have several freshwater aquariums of following volumes: one 5 gallon one 10 gallon two 20 gallon one 29 gallon one 55 gallon and an outdoor 300 gallon pond. Aside from the pond, I started with one ...
Christy B.'s user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Can I guess on information requested by pet insurance forms?

I've recently adopted a found cat. Looking into pet insurance many forms ask for unknown information; e.g. date of birth. Is it ok to guess such information, should we contact those companies to ...
JohnLBevan's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Better solution for holding appliances inside the aquarium?

We've all seen these devices. They're the suction-cup clamps used to affix heaters, filter intakes, tubing, and other appliances inside the aquarium. But the suction cups quickly deteriorate and no ...
Robert Cartaino's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Why do you need to change the water in your fish tank?

There are several posts here about the right ways and wrong ways to change water in your fish tank, and all the ways it can go wrong. Why do you need to change it? It would seem unlikely that water ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What remaining equipment do I need for a marine aquarium? [closed]

I want to convert my soft water aquarium into marin aquarium, but before I do that I want to make sure I have all the required equipments and few critical equipments in spare as well. I already have ...
Hrish's user avatar
  • 113
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What will happen if a young labrador is not given proper exercise? [closed]

I am a college student in India. I own a four month old labrador dog. I just want to know about the importance of exercise for that breed. Can anyone help me?
Keshva's user avatar
  • 31
12 votes
3 answers

Is the "Million Bubble Air Pump" necessary for the long-term health of sea-monkeys?

I got my son a Sea-Monkey set several months ago. It's just a very basic set, which had the eggs, the plastic tank, some food, and a feeding spoon. It's been doing very well, and we've had ...
Beofett's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How do I do a water change in my fish tank?

I have seen many questions asking how often one should do a water change for different circumstances in a freshwater aquarium, and so on, which got me wondering. I never knew, until I was on this site,...
user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How do I continuously change fish tank water?

Do fully automated fish tanks exists or are possible DIY with Automated Water Change from running tap water, like a toilet flush such that I can replenish half the water on one button push? This will ...
pet101's user avatar
  • 297
9 votes
1 answer

Are enzyme treatments more effective than vinegar for removing rabbit urine?

In this answer, I was directed to use an enzyme treatment like "Natures Miracle" on my rabbit's pee stains. To date, I've always used vinegar, which seemed to work well. Enzyme treatments are more ...
virtualxtc's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to measure the UV output of a light?

Since UV lights are important to reptiles, and I've heard it said that they lose their UV output after about 6 months even if they haven't burnt out, is there a way to measure the UV output of a light?...
Spidercat's user avatar
  • 15.6k
9 votes
3 answers

How can I keep a guinea pig clean?

We recently adopted a guinea pig and in contrast to our rabbits, he's a smelly slob. We clean his cage every other day, yet he's still musty. He has a litter pan which he uses, but still ...
virtualxtc's user avatar
  • 2,712
11 votes
5 answers

How do I eliminate the black algae from my planted aquarium?

My aquarium has live plants with a betta, hatchet fish, barbs, a cory, and a Siamese algae eater. Black algae is growing on the decorations and glass. I scraped it off the glass. What else should I ...
Jeni's user avatar
  • 790
12 votes
1 answer

Would a new 500 L marine aquarium need to be cycled again if upgraded from 80 L nearly finished cycling?

I have a 500 L aquarium I would like to fill with saltwater and eventually fish. I have an 80 L tank starting to cycle now on the 3rd week, containing about 2 kg of live rock. I plan to partially ...
user214's user avatar
  • 171
13 votes
6 answers

Can I repair a leaking aquarium without removing all the water and fish?

If my aquarium begins to leak, I know I could repair it by removing everything, applying silicone (or another sealant), waiting for it to cure, and then starting over. If the leakage is at the top of ...
woliveirajr's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Is it ok if I stir the substrate of my aquarium?

I have an aquarium with a 5 cm (+- 2 in) rock-and-clay pellets substrate. I stir it every 6 months, to remove some of algae and so on that is deposited there. That way, the water gets a bit muddy and ...
woliveirajr's user avatar
  • 4,044
14 votes
2 answers

Does a pond have to be covered with a net during fall?

There are several different trees and bushes surrounding our pond. As fall season peaks, the amount of leaves and needles falling into the pond gets quite high. There are koi, sturgeon and goldfish ...
Baarn's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

How does one effectively "cycle" an aquarium?

I have read that prior to putting fish in an aquarium, one must "cycle" the tank so that bacteria that oxidize ammonia will produce nitrite, and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria will make nitrate. ...
Peter Grace's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

How can I permanently reduce the pH level of my aquarium?

I have an aquarium with some rocks and substrate mixture, and about 15 small fishes. The pH level of the water is always high (7.6 - 8), away from the recommended value for the fishes I have. I want ...
woliveirajr's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

How to remove the algae from the glass of an aquarium?

I have an aquarium and it has algae on the glass. The algae is somehow so attached to the glass that I´m afraid I'd scratch the glass if I tried to clean it using some hard plastic. How can I remove ...
woliveirajr's user avatar
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