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My rabbit's hair looks wet and dirty and it’s getting worse

I recently bought a rabbit from pet store and it's been a week that my rabbit hair has changed. It looks like the hair around the mouth, nose and stomach is dirty and wet and it's not getting better. ...
Mahsa's user avatar
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My bunny is making a new noise I’ve never heard before and I was wondering if anyone has ever heard a similar noise from another bunny?

My 3-month old lionhead bunny has started making a new noise. She previously was ill with the snuffles, completed a course of antibiotic. She was never very ill with the snuffles just very sneezy and ...
Reena Siegel-Richman's user avatar
2 votes
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How does RHD/RHD2 transmit from rabbit to rabbit?

There aren't many infections which would be more evil than RHD and RHD2 for rabbits. How can they spread?
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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Why can't my rabbit lift it's head?

Thursday started normally: 6:00 AM each of 5 upstairs bunnies getting personal grooming. 9:00 AM everyone in for nap time. 10:00 AM Lyra (3 years old) is very sick, can not lift her head, call to ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

My rabbit is hyperventilating and can't get comfortable. What is wrong with her?

I am back from the ER, the rabbit seems okay right now; but I'm still concerned that there might be something wrong with her. Here is a video of her in hyperventilating and unable to get comfortable. ...
virtualxtc's user avatar
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