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"Unknown" Sickness of my rooster

My rooster presents some symptoms: weakness in legs, he has (I suppose) plantar pododermatitis that seems to be advanced because I notice swelling and cracks, he also shows drowsiness and no longer ...
LuisDFQ's user avatar
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How do you know if your horse/s have mange? How do you treat it?

My horses have been getting itchy legs, some are missing hair on their faces and chests. This is not improving with the usual treatments of insect repellants, for flies. There's a lot of ticks on ...
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Will ichthyophthiriasis medicine harm my betta if he doesnt actually have ich?

A few days ago I noticed a spot on my betta's side just next to his gills. It wasn't completely white in color but definitely lighter than the rest of his body. I tested his water and there was an ...
Brooklyn McClennen's user avatar
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How to treat a 20 year old cat with pancreatitis?

The vet said my 20 year old cat has pancreatitis and possibly parasites. Would you give her an antibiotic? How would you treat her? ALT. (sgpt). 112 BUN. 51 Precision psl. 42 Lymphocytes. 954 ...
Janie's user avatar
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Cat has watery eye

My cat has been sneezing for the last week at least once a day, but I have thought nothing of it. Today I can home and one of his eyes looks more watery than usual and the corner of his eye looks a ...
Hayley Glass's user avatar
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What could be this on gum of boxer?

Yesterday I notice my 5 years old boxer had something weird on his gum (right hand side of his mouth). At the top of this weird piece of extra gum has many little red dots. My boxer does not complain ...
I likeThatMeow's user avatar
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Managing kidney disease in dogs?

I've a 9 yrs old GSD female. She has been suffering from kidney disease since last couple of months. Medication is going on. But her physical condition is getting bad. Is there any way that I can give ...
user9262's user avatar