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Questions tagged [fear]

For questions about rational and irrational fears that pets develop.

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16 votes
11 answers

How can I get my cat to not be afraid of me?

We recently got an 8 month old cat from a breeder, it had lived its live in a cage with the rest of the litter up to that point. The car journey home was about an hour and the whole time I had my hand ...
mluisbrown's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Made my cat scared of me, need help

Unfortunately I've messed up and don't really know how to remedy the situation, I need some suggestions and help. The situation is as follows: my in-laws are vets and do a lot of pro-bono work. One ...
James Junghanns's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Can a rabbit be scared to death?

I have heard several times about rabbits being kept in outdoor cages where, a dog or other predator barked and/or scratched at the cage. The person came out and found the rabbit(s) dead in a still ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

Why does my dog act differently outside the house?

My dog, Rex, is like two dogs in one. He is 2.5 years old, neutered pitbull/boxer mix, and is incredibly aggressive towards other dogs. In the house, he is cuddly, playful, and docile. My mom ...
Steve D's user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

How can I keep my cat from being scared any time he sees or hears a person?

One of my cats will avoid any central parts of the house or run through them very quickly. He also runs in fear any time someone walks into the room he's in or if he hears voices at the front door. ...
Enigma's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

My male cat is attacking my female cat; female so scared she urinates herself

My wife and I are at our wits end with two of our cats and want to see what advice people have for us. Here's the problem: Larry, a male, stalks and attacks Curly Sue, a female. In the past, we have ...
Frank Lesniak's user avatar
60 votes
19 answers

How can I fix my relationship with my 7 month old cat after I've constantly abused her the past month?

My kitten is 7 month old, and I... [Content Warning: Descriptions of animal abuse behind spoiler] Now she won't move around me, being highly cautious to every move and every sound. I feel so bad ...
Anonymus's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Why are cats afraid of vacuums?

My cats are pretty stereotypically afraid of my vacuum. As soon as they see me getting ready to use it, they'll jump up. The second it gets turned on, they're bolting to the other room. I watch ...
Spidercat's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

How can I get my cat to stop chasing my other cat?

I have three cats. All neutered and spayed. A tuxedo named Pip, a tabby named Kitty, and a tortie named Faith. Pip isn't really all that important in this question, I'll give more info about him later....
booty tornado's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

My cat is terrified of me, can I repair the relationship?

Three weeks ago, I adopted a 9-month-old female cat, Kira. On the ride home and for a little while after, she seemed pretty calm, though withdrawn. She's set up camp in my bedroom and has food/water/...
Chris's user avatar
  • 183
4 votes
1 answer

Cat got badly scared and is now unpredictably jumpy around me

The title of my questions is related to other questions that have already been answered, but what has happened is not and I feel the other answers don't answer my question, so here is mine. About 4 ...
CB Madsen's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

My cat does not recognize me

My cat, which I adopted with my girlfriend, does not recognise me anymore after I came back from a two week holiday. Everytime it is near me, it starts running away. After spending so much time with ...
user7210's user avatar
23 votes
6 answers

What can I do now that my cat is terrified of me after I broke up a fight involving her and two other pets?

I really need some help and advice. I have two cats and a dog. This morning, my dog was with me in the kitchen and one of my cats ran up to him and started attacking him. It just turned into an all ...
Fleurdejune's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

Why does my dog urinate when I call her?

We have two Labradors, a male and female from the same litter, that we got when they were two months. They are now 5 months old. They are both very friendly and loving with the kids, but the female ...
mydoghasworms's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Husband stepped on the cat's head, and now she hates him

While I was away, my husband gave my cat a bath and accidentally stepped on her head hard. She swelled up pretty bad, but she recovered. Every time he gives her a bath now, her head swells. But ...
Ana's user avatar
  • 101
9 votes
1 answer

How do I make my chicken overcome his fears?

My new chicken was formerly living with my uncle before I adopted him. According to what my uncle told me, the chicken once experienced another chicken being killed with a knife. Since then this ...
user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

What are some dos/don'ts for soothing a freaked out cat?

Say a cat was freaked out by something. It could be a dream, a scary window critter, an unpleasant sound, or something unknown. Given that the cat is now freaked out but the cause itself is gone or ...
Enigma's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

First time owning a cat

This is the first time I have a cat in my life. She is almost 10 months. She came home yesterday and she was wandering around the house, which has a litter box, food, and water. This morning, I ...
A Newby's user avatar
  • 79
7 votes
2 answers

Fearful 3-year-old adopted cat

We adopted a 3-year-old cute tabby cat from a local shelter 3 days ago. The shelter found her and some of her friends around a park. We don't know if she had any owner before, but she is litter ...
Bengya's user avatar
  • 73
4 votes
2 answers

I was petting my bunny and I can't tell if he's scared or likes it

I recently took my grandma's rabbit because she's wasn't taking care of it well. He's very skittish and doesn't like to be picked up and such. I was petting him and he has his front legs splayed out ...
Sinead's user avatar
  • 91
4 votes
1 answer

How to calm down dog after fireworks?

Every Easter, our town has fireworks display and my dog gets extremely nervous. He screams from fear and sometimes tries to jump the fence to escape. He can take all night to calm down. I try to hug ...
papakias's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How can I stop my dog barking and growling at strangers and guests?

My dog is a 7 month old chihuahua/ dachshund. She's actually really playful and nice if she knows you, but she will bark and growl if your a new person. She won't let you pet her, and I really need ...
Layla's user avatar
  • 51
3 votes
1 answer

How can I train my dog's reaction when she goes into full panic mode?

When my dog sees or hears something scary, then she can go into full panic mode, and in there she is uncontrollable. For example fireworks. She can handle 1, max 2 explosions, after that it's full ...
Marko Taht's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Cat is stressed out from new cat both female

Me and my family own a cat that is 4 years old. We got a 6 month old cat in April and the new cat kept casing the old cat into my room. The 4 year old cat got scared of coming out of the room and ...
Greg's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes
1 answer

Help! I’m worried about my new kitten. She hasn’t eaten in over a day and I haven't been able to see her in over 12 hours :(

My boyfriend and I adopted a cat from a family friend. She rescued this cat from being outside and was with her for about a week before we got her. We brought her home, and she immediately ran under ...
Sam Hammerstrom's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Dog too scared to come inside after incident

I'm new to this site. I have a question: my baby (my dog) got her tail caught in the screen door and she has been injuried, resulting in a wound. Now she is scared to come inside or to come near me ...
Tracey's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes
1 answer

My brother traumatized my cat. Help?

My cat, Pip. We got him in september of 2014. He was lively, playful, brave, and hyper. My brother is a very mean guy. He sees amusement in other's pain and fear, and enjoys teasing me until i break ...
booty tornado's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Cats are still skittish; have obsessive eating disorder

We adopted two little kittens at 5 weeks old. I think the lady we got them from was some sort of cat hoarder or she was capturing ferals from outside and rehoming them. Anyways, the kitties are two ...
Buffi D's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
2 answers

Female dog suddenly timid around men, scared of everyone after moving to a new home

Two months ago I started dating my partner and his dog, a 6 year old Labrador. When I first met her she was excited, happy, and licked me all over. She was happy around everyone; we took her on trips ...
Mush 's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
1 answer

Rescue cats won't come out of hiding, eat, drink, or use the litter box

I adopted two year-and-a-half-old kitties yesterday (it's been about 30 hours). The two are a bonded pair and very close with one another. They have their own room set up with food (wet and dry), ...
Erica's user avatar
  • 29
1 vote
2 answers

My cat suddenly started to attack us!

My cat was really calm and remarkably very friendly for a month since the beginning of March. She was sterilized when she was 3, now she is 5 years old. She has always been always aggressive and does ...
Fırat Özkan's user avatar