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3 votes
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Kitten got into espresso beans [duplicate]

My kitten got into a small bag of espresso beans. I am unsure how many he ate. My husband had left the bag on the counter. He is getting to the point where he climbs everything. He hasn't been snipped ...
Laura Waidzulis's user avatar
4 votes
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Is indirect exposure to non-alcoholic beer dangerous for cats?

That may be a strange question but my kittens expressed a lot of interest in bottle of non-alcoholic beer I was drinking. They tried to lick the bottle and started licking me around my lips. I could ...
Maja Piechotka's user avatar
3 votes
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Are cashew nuts harmful to cats

I recently pinched my brother's cat to stop him from eating a cashew seed. My cat tried eating a cashew seed I presented him with as well. Hazelnuts and some other nuts can be highly toxic to cats ...
Ariser's user avatar
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8 votes
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Cat may have consumed some garlic - will he be alright?

My flatmate left some garlic butter out and I think I just caught my cat licking it. He probably had about 3 "licks". Is that a toxic amount? He is almost a year old.
AnneFiji's user avatar
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28 votes
4 answers

What happens if cats drink coffee?

I was drinking my coffee the other day and I accidentally spilled some on the floor (a couple of drops). My cat licked them. I don't really think this is a big deal because it was only two drops, but ...
Shevliaskovic's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Are onions dangerous for my cat or dog and why?

Someone advised me not to feed my cat or dog foods which include garlic or onion, as they are bad for my pets and can make them sick. Is this true? How would it make my cat or dog sick?
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