My mother has a dog, English Springer Spaniel Robbie, 6 years old. He has a habit of chewing and swallowing pieces of wood in the forest when we take our walks.
Chewing wooden sticks is normal for dogs, but actually eating pieces of wood is something else.
Why is this behavior happening and how can I teach him not to eat wood?
Sometimes it gets really painful for the dog when he relieves himself, he cries out really loudly. And I know he can't make the connection of eating wood resulting in pain when relieving himself. I know there is risk of the dog harming himself if he continues eating wood, I want to change this behavior as soon as possible.
The only way that works now is to just keep eye on him 100% of time when walking. And when he starts eating wood again, I shout and run at him...
Edit: The dog also has a habit of chewing his back paws. He hurt one of them till bleeding. Not sure if this is connected to the wood eating or not.